CassandraClient is a Cassandra client in Swift. The client is based on DataStax Cassandra C++ Driver,
wrapping it with Swift friendly APIs and data structures.
CassandraClient API currently exposes SwiftNIO based futures to
simplify integration with SwiftNIO based servers. Swift concurrency based API is also available in Swift 5.5 and newer.
Swift concurrency based API
Creating a client instance
var configuration = CassandraClient.Configuration(...)
let cassandraClient = CassandraClient(configuration: configuration)
The client has a default session established (lazily) so that it can be used directly to perform
queries on the configured keyspace:
let result = try await cassandraClient.query(...)
The client must be explicitly shut down when no longer needed:
try cassandraClient.shutdown()
Creating a session for a different keyspace
let session = cassandraClient.makeSession(keyspace: <KEYSPACE>)
let result = try await session.query(...)
The session must be explicitly shut down when no longer needed:
try session.shutdown()
You can also create a session and pass in a closure, which will automatically release the resource when the closure exits:
try await cassandraClient.withSession(keyspace: <KEYSPACE>) { session in
Running result-less commands (e.g. insert, update, delete or DDL)
try await"create table ...")
Or at session level:
try await"create table ...")
Running queries returning small datasets that fit in memory
Returning a model object, having Model: Codable:
let result: [Model] = try await cassandraClient.query("select * from table ...")
let result: [Model] = try await session.query("select * from table ...")
Or using free-form transformations on the row:
let values = try await cassandraClient.query("select * from table ...") { row in
let values = try await session.query("select * from table ...") { row in
Running queries returning large datasets that do not fit in memory
// `rows` is a sequence that one needs to iterate on
let rows: Rows = try await cassandraClient.query("select * from table ...")
// `rows` is a sequence that one needs to iterate on
let rows: Rows = try await session.query("select * from table ...")
SwiftNIO future based API
Creating a client instance
var configuration = CassandraClient.Configuration(...)
let cassandraClient = CassandraClient(configuration: configuration)
The client has a default session established (lazily) so that it can be used directly to perform
queries on the configured keyspace:
let resultFuture = cassandraClient.query(...)
The client must be explicitly shut down when no longer needed:
try cassandraClient.shutdown()
Creating a session for a different keyspace
let session = cassandraClient.makeSession(keyspace: <KEYSPACE>)
let resultFuture = session.query(...)
The session must be explicitly shut down when no longer needed:
try session.shutdown()
You can also create a session and pass in a closure, which will automatically release the resource when the closure exits:
try cassandraClient.withSession(keyspace: <KEYSPACE>) { session in
Running result-less commands (e.g. insert, update, delete or DDL)
let voidFuture ="create table ...")
Or at session level:
let voidFuture ="create table ...")
Running queries returning small datasets that fit in memory
Returning a model object, having Model: Codable:
cassandraClient.query("select * from table ...").map { result: [Model] in
session.query("select * from table ...").map { result: [Model] in
Or using free-form transformations on the row:
cassandraClient.query("select * from table ...") { row in
}.map { value in
session.query("select * from table ...") { row in
}.map { value in
Running queries returning large datasets that do not fit in memory
cassandraClient.query("select * from table ...").map { rows: Rows in
// `rows` is a sequence that one needs to iterate on { row in
session.query("select * from table ...").map { rows: Rows in
// `rows` is a sequence that one needs to iterate on { row in
DataStax Driver and libuv
The library depends on the DataStax driver and
libuv, which are included as git submodules. Both of them
have source files that are excluded in Package.swift.
DataStax driver
The git submodule is under Sources/CDataStaxDriver/datastax-cpp-driver. To update,
do git fetch then checkout the desired tag/release. The
driver’s config files are located in Sources/CDataStaxDriver/extras.
The git submodule is under Sources/Clibuv/libuv. To update, do git fetch then checkout
the desired tag/release. Note that include
and uv.h in Sources/Clibuv are symlinked to the corresponding directory/file in Sources/Clibuv/libuv.
Development Setup
The library’s tests require running a Cassandra database.
With docker (takes about 1 minute to be ready to accept connections):
$ docker run --name cassandra -p -d cassandra:3
Swift Cassandra Client
CassandraClient is a Cassandra client in Swift. The client is based on DataStax Cassandra C++ Driver, wrapping it with Swift friendly APIs and data structures.
CassandraClient API currently exposes SwiftNIO based futures to simplify integration with SwiftNIO based servers. Swift concurrency based API is also available in Swift 5.5 and newer.
Swift concurrency based API
Creating a client instance
The client has a default session established (lazily) so that it can be used directly to perform queries on the configured keyspace:
The client must be explicitly shut down when no longer needed:
Creating a session for a different keyspace
The session must be explicitly shut down when no longer needed:
You can also create a session and pass in a closure, which will automatically release the resource when the closure exits:
Running result-less commands (e.g. insert, update, delete or DDL)
Or at session level:
Running queries returning small datasets that fit in memory
Returning a model object, having
Model: Codable
:Or using free-form transformations on the row:
Running queries returning large datasets that do not fit in memory
SwiftNIO future based API
Creating a client instance
The client has a default session established (lazily) so that it can be used directly to perform queries on the configured keyspace:
The client must be explicitly shut down when no longer needed:
Creating a session for a different keyspace
The session must be explicitly shut down when no longer needed:
You can also create a session and pass in a closure, which will automatically release the resource when the closure exits:
Running result-less commands (e.g. insert, update, delete or DDL)
Or at session level:
Running queries returning small datasets that fit in memory
Returning a model object, having
Model: Codable
:Or using free-form transformations on the row:
Running queries returning large datasets that do not fit in memory
DataStax Driver and libuv
The library depends on the DataStax driver and libuv, which are included as git submodules. Both of them have source files that are excluded in
.DataStax driver
The git submodule is under
. To update, dogit fetch
then checkout the desired tag/release. The driver’s config files are located inSources/CDataStaxDriver/extras
The git submodule is under
. To update, dogit fetch
then checkout the desired tag/release. Note thatinclude
are symlinked to the corresponding directory/file inSources/Clibuv/libuv
.Development Setup
The library’s tests require running a Cassandra database.
With docker (takes about 1 minute to be ready to accept connections):