This module offers two flavors of Arbitrary-precision types that conforms to FloatingPoint.
BigRat - Arbitrary-precision rational number.
BigFloat - Arbitrary-precision floating point.
In addition to all arithmetic operations that FloatingPoint supports. Most of the functions in <math.h> are offered as static functions. As you see in the synopsis above, all arithmetic functions and operators that are lossy can take precision:Int as an optional argument. When omitted the value of BigRat.precision or BigFloat.precision is used (default:64).
BigInt, an arbitrary-precision interger type is internally used and re-exported so you don’t have to import BigInt just for that. BigInt is also extended with .over() method so instead of constructing BigRat directly, you can:
$ git clone
$ cd swift-bignum # the following assumes your $PWD is here
$ swift build
$ scripts/
$ swift run --repl
and in your repl,
Welcome to Apple Swift version 4.2 (swiftlang-1000.11.37.1 clang-1000.11.45.1). Type :help for assistance.
1> import BigNum
2> BigRat.sqrt(2, precision:128)
$R0: BigNum.BigRat = {
num = {
magnitude = {
kind = array
storage = 2 values {
[0] = 6448461645324402335
[1] = 13043817825332782212
sign = plus
den = {
magnitude = {
kind = array
storage = 2 values {
[0] = 0
[1] = 9223372036854775808
sign = plus
From your Xcode Projects.
Simply add the package from Package Dependencies tab of the Project.
Enter in the search field and click [Add Package]
Now you are able to import BigNum.
Now all you have to do is build and enjoy!
If you enconter errors like Missing required module '_NumericShims', try cleaning up your ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData.
Arbitrary-precision arithmetic for Swift, in Swift
This module offers two flavors of Arbitrary-precision types that conforms to FloatingPoint.
- Arbitrary-precision rational number.BigFloat
- Arbitrary-precision floating point.In addition to all arithmetic operations that FloatingPoint supports. Most of the functions in
are offered as static functions. As you see in the synopsis above, all arithmetic functions and operators that are lossy can takeprecision:Int
as an optional argument. When omitted the value ofBigRat.precision
is used (default:64).BigInt
, an arbitrary-precision interger type is internally used and re-exported so you don’t have toimport BigInt
just for that.BigInt
is also extended with.over()
method so instead of constructingBigRat
directly, you can:Usage
and in your repl,
From your Xcode Projects.
Simply add the package from Package Dependencies tab of the Project. Enter
in the search field and click[Add Package]
Now you are able to
import BigNum
.Now all you have to do is build and enjoy!
If you enconter errors like
Missing required module '_NumericShims'
, try cleaning up your~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
.From Your SwiftPM-Managed Projects
Add the following to the
section:and the following to the
argument:Now all you have to do is:
in your code. Enjoy!
Swift 5 or better, OS X or Linux to build.
protocols but it is replaced by theElementaryFunctions