📍An effective state management architecture for iOS - UIKit, SwiftUI📍 _ An easier way to get unidirectional data flow _ _ Supports concurrent processing _
Verge: A High-Performance, Scalable State Management Library for SwiftUI and UIKit
Verge is a high-performance, scalable state management library for Swift, designed with real-world use cases in mind. It offers a lightweight and easy-to-use approach to managing your application state without the need for complex actions and reducers. This guide will walk you through the basics of using Verge in your Swift projects.
Key Concepts and Motivations
Verge was designed with the following concepts in mind:
Inspired by the Flux library, but with a focus on providing a store-pattern as the core concept.
The store-pattern is a primitive concept found in Flux and Redux, focusing on sharing state between components using a single source of truth.
Verge does not dictate how to manage actions to modify the state. Instead, it provides a simple commit function that accepts a closure describing how to change the state.
Users can build additional layers on top of Verge, such as implementing enum-based actions for more structured state management.
Verge supports multi-threading, ensuring fast, safe, and efficient operation.
Compatible with both UIKit and SwiftUI.
Includes APIs for handling real-world application development use cases, such as managing asynchronous operations.
Addresses the complexity of updating state in large and complex applications.
Provides an ORM for efficient management of a large number of entities.
Designed for use in business-focused applications.
Getting Started
Getting Started
To use Verge, follow these steps:
Define a state struct that conforms to the Equatable protocol.
Instantiate a Store with your initial state.
Update the state using the commit method on the store instance.
Subscribe to state updates using the sinkState method.
Defining Your State
Create a state struct that represents the state of your application. Your state struct should conform to the Equatable protocol. This allows Verge to detect changes in your state and trigger updates as necessary.
struct MyState: Equatable {
var count: Int = 0
Instantiating a Store
Create a Store instance with the initial state of your application. The Store class takes two type parameters:
The first type parameter represents the state of your application.
The second type parameter represents any middleware you want to use with your store. If you don’t need any middleware, use Never.
let store = Store<_, Never>(initialState: MyState())
Updating the State
To update your application state, use the commit method on your Store instance. The commit method takes a closure with a single parameter, which is a mutable reference to your state. Inside the closure, modify the state as needed.
store.commit {
$0.count += 1
Subscribing to State Updates
To receive updates when the state changes, use the sinkState method on your Store instance. This method takes a closure that receives the updated state as its parameter. The closure will be called whenever the state changes.
store.sinkState { state in
// Receives updates of the state
The storeWhileSourceActive() call at the end is a method provided by Verge to automatically manage the lifetime of the subscription. It retains the subscription as long as the source (in this case, the store instance) is alive.
That’s it! You now know the basics of using Verge to manage the state in your Swift applications. For more advanced use cases and additional features, please refer to the official Verge documentation and GitHub repository.
Using Activity of Store for Event-Driven Programming
In certain scenarios, event-driven programming is essential for creating responsive and efficient applications. The Verge library’s Activity of Store feature is designed to cater to this need, allowing developers to handle events seamlessly within their projects.
The Activity of Store comes into play when your application requires event-driven programming. It enables you to manage events and associated logic independently from the main store management, promoting a clean and organized code structure. This separation of concerns simplifies the overall development process and makes it easier to maintain and extend your application over time.
By leveraging the Activity of Store functionality, you can efficiently handle events within your application while keeping the store management intact. This ensures that your application remains performant and scalable, enabling you to build robust and reliable Swift applications using the Verge library.
Here’s an example of using Activity of Store:
let store: Store<MyState, MyActivity>
store.sinkActivity { (activity: MyActivity) in
// handle activities.
Using Verge with SwiftUI
To use Verge in SwiftUI, you can utilize the StoreReader to subscribe to state updates within your SwiftUI views. Here’s an example of how to do this:
import SwiftUI
import Verge
struct ContentView: View {
@StoreObject private var viewModel = CounterViewModel()
var body: some View {
VStack {
StoreReader(viewModel.store) { state in
Text("Count: \(state.count)")
Button(action: {
}) {
final class CounterViewModel: StoreComponentType {
struct State: Equatable {
var count: Int = 0
let store: Store<State, Never> = .init(initialState: .init())
func increment() {
commit {
$0.count += 1
In this example, StoreReader is used to read the state from the MyViewModel store. This allows you to access and display the state within your SwiftUI view. Additionally, you can perform actions by calling methods on the store directly, as demonstrated with the button in the example.
This new section will help users understand how to use Verge with SwiftUI, allowing them to manage state effectively within their SwiftUI views. Let me know if you have any further suggestions or changes!
StoreObject property wrapper:
SwiftUI provides the @StateObject property wrapper to create and manage a persistent instance of a given object that adheres to the ObservableObject protocol. However, StateObject will cause the view to be refreshed whenever the ObservableObject is updated.
In Verge, we introduce the StoreObject property wrapper, which instantiates a Store object for the duration of the view’s lifecycle but does not cause the view to refresh when the Store updates.
This is beneficial when you want to manage the Store in a more granular way, without causing the entire view to refresh when the Store changes. Instead, Store updates can be handled through the StoreReader.
Using Verge with UIKit
Here’s a simple usage example of Verge with a UIViewController:
class MyViewController: UIViewController {
private struct State: Equatable {
var count: Int = 0
private let store: Store<State, Never> = .init(initialState: .init())
private let label: UILabel = .init()
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Subscribe to the store's state updates
store.sinkState { [weak self] state in
guard let self = self else { return }
// Check if the value has been updated using ifChanged
state.ifChanged(\.count) { count in
self.label.text = "Count: \(count)"
private func setupUI() {
// Omitted for brevity
private func incrementCount() {
store.commit {
$0.count += 1
Efficient State Updates in UIKit using sinkState, Changed<State>, and ifChanged
In UIKit, which is event-driven, it’s crucial to update components efficiently by only updating them as needed. The Verge library provides a way to achieve this using the sinkState method, the Changed<State> type, and the ifChanged method.
When you use the sinkState method, the closure you provide receives the latest state wrapped in a Changed<State> type. This wrapper also includes the previous state, allowing you to determine which properties have been updated using the ifChanged method.
Here’s an example of using sinkState and ifChanged in UIKit to efficiently update components:
store.sinkState {
$0.ifChanged(\.myProperty) { newValue in
// Update the component only when myProperty has changed
In this example, the component is updated only when myProperty has changed, ensuring efficient updates in the UIKit-based application.
Compared to UIKit, SwiftUI works with a declarative view structure, which means that there is less need to check for state changes to update the view. However, when working with UIKit, using sinkState, Changed<State>, and ifChanged helps maintain a performant and responsive application.
Using TaskManager for Asynchronous Operations
Verge’s Store includes a TaskManager that allows you to dispatch and manage asynchronous operations. This feature simplifies handling async tasks while keeping them associated with your Store.
Basic usage
To use TaskManager, simply call the task method on your Store instance, and provide a closure that contains the asynchronous operation:
store.task {
await runMyOperation()
Task management with keys and modes
TaskManager also enables you to manage tasks based on keys and modes. You can assign a unique key to each task and specify a mode for its execution. This allows you to control the execution behavior of tasks based on their keys.
For example, you can use the .dropCurrent mode to drop any currently running tasks with the same key and run the new task immediately:
This functionality provides you with fine-grained control over how tasks are executed, ensuring that your application remains responsive and efficient, even when handling multiple asynchronous operations.
Advanced Usage: Managing Multiple Stores for Complex Applications
In theory, managing your entire application state in a single store is ideal. However, in large and complex applications, the computational complexity can become significant, leading to performance issues and slow application responsiveness. In such cases, it’s recommended to separate your state into multiple stores and integrate them as needed.
By dividing your state into multiple stores, you can reduce the complexity and overhead associated with state updates. Each store can manage a specific part of your application state, ensuring that updates are performed efficiently and quickly. This approach also promotes better organization and separation of concerns in your code, making it easier to maintain and extend your application over time.
To use multiple stores, create separate Store instances for different parts of your application state, and then connect them as needed. This may involve passing store instances to child components or sharing stores between sibling components. By structuring your application this way, you can ensure that each part of your application state is managed efficiently and effectively.
Copying State Between Stores
To copy state between stores, you can use the sinkState method along with the ifChanged function to only trigger updates when the state has changed. Here’s an example:
store.sinkState {
$0.ifChanged(\.myState) { value in
otherStore.commit {
$0.myState = value
In this example, when the state of myState changes in store, the new value is committed to otherStore. This approach allows you to synchronize state between multiple stores efficiently.
Using Derived for Efficient Computed Properties
Verge’s Derived feature allows you to create computed properties based on your store’s state and efficiently subscribe to updates. This feature can help you optimize your application by reducing unnecessary computations and updates. Derived is inspired by the reselect library and provides similar functionality.
Creating a Derived Property
To create a derived property, you’ll use the store.derived method. This method takes a Pipeline object that describes how the derived data is generated:
let derived: Derived<Int> = store.derived(.select(\.count))
You can use select or map to generate derived data. select is used to take a value directly from the state, while map can be used to generate new values based on the state, similar to a map function:
let derived: Derived<Int> = store.derived(.map { $0.count * 2 })
The Pipeline checks if the derived data has been updated from the previous value. If it hasn’t changed, Derived won’t publish any changes.
Chaining Derived Instances
You can create another Derived instance from an existing Derived instance, effectively chaining them together:
let anotherDerived: Derived<String> = derived.derived(.map { $0.description })
Subscribing to Derived Property Updates
To subscribe to updates of a derived property, you can use the sinkState method, just like with a store:
derived.sinkState { value in
// Handle updates of the derived property
By using Derived for computed properties and subscribing to updates, you can ensure that your application remains efficient and performant, avoiding unnecessary computations and state updates.
Introducing VergeORM
State management plays a crucial role in building efficient and maintainable applications. One of the essential aspects of state management is organizing the data in a way that simplifies its manipulation and usage. This is where normalization becomes vital.
Normalization is the process of structuring data in a way that eliminates redundancy and ensures data consistency. It is essential in state-management libraries because it significantly reduces the computational complexity of operations and makes it easier to manage the state.
Let’s take a look at an example to illustrate the difference between normalized and denormalized data structures.
In the normalized structure, author data is stored separately from posts, eliminating data redundancy and ensuring data consistency. The relationship between posts and authors is represented by the authorId field in the posts.
VergeORM is designed to handle normalization in state-management libraries effectively. By leveraging VergeORM, you can simplify your state management, reduce the computational complexity of operations, and improve the overall performance and maintainability of your application.
Defining Entities
Here’s an example of how to define the Book and Author entities:
struct Book: EntityType {
typealias EntityIDRawType = String
var entityID: EntityID {
let rawID: String
var name: String = "initial"
let authorID: Author.EntityID
struct Author: EntityType {
typealias EntityIDRawType = String
var entityID: EntityID {
let rawID: String
var name: String = ""
Defining Database Schema
To store the entities in the state, you need to define the database schema:
struct Database: DatabaseType {
struct Schema: EntitySchemaType {
let book = Book.EntityTableKey()
let author = Author.EntityTableKey()
struct Indexes: IndexesType {
var _backingStorage: BackingStorage = .init()
Embedding the Database in State
Embed the Database in your application’s state:
struct RootState: RootStateType {
var database: Database = .init()
Storing and Querying Entities
Here’s an example of how to store and query entities using a store property
// Storing entities
store.commit {
$0.database.performBatchUpdates { context in
let authors = (0..<10).map { i in
Author(rawID: "\(i)")
let result = context.entities.author.insert(authors)
// Querying entities
let book = store.state.database.db.entities.book.find(by: .init("1"))
let author = store.state.database.db.entities.author.find(by: .init("1"))
In this example, we use store.commit to perform batch updates on the database. We insert a new set of authors into the author entity table. Then, we use store.state.database.db.entities to query the book and author entities by their identifiers.
By using VergeORM, you can efficiently manage your application state with a normalized data structure, which simplifies your state management, reduces the computational complexity of operations, and improves the overall performance and maintainability of your application.
Verge supports SwiftPM.
Demo applications
This repo has several demo applications in Demo directory.
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📍An effective state management architecture for iOS - UIKit, SwiftUI📍
_ An easier way to get unidirectional data flow _
_ Supports concurrent processing _
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Verge: A High-Performance, Scalable State Management Library for SwiftUI and UIKit
Verge is a high-performance, scalable state management library for Swift, designed with real-world use cases in mind. It offers a lightweight and easy-to-use approach to managing your application state without the need for complex actions and reducers. This guide will walk you through the basics of using Verge in your Swift projects.
Key Concepts and Motivations
Verge was designed with the following concepts in mind:
function that accepts a closure describing how to change the state.Getting Started
Getting Started
To use Verge, follow these steps:
with your initial state.commit
method on the store instance.sinkState
method.Defining Your State
Create a state struct that represents the state of your application. Your state struct should conform to the
protocol. This allows Verge to detect changes in your state and trigger updates as necessary.Example:
Instantiating a Store
Create a
instance with the initial state of your application. TheStore
class takes two type parameters:Never
Updating the State
To update your application state, use the
method on yourStore
instance. Thecommit
method takes a closure with a single parameter, which is a mutable reference to your state. Inside the closure, modify the state as needed.Example:
Subscribing to State Updates
To receive updates when the state changes, use the
method on yourStore
instance. This method takes a closure that receives the updated state as its parameter. The closure will be called whenever the state changes.Example:
call at the end is a method provided by Verge to automatically manage the lifetime of the subscription. It retains the subscription as long as the source (in this case, thestore
instance) is alive.That’s it! You now know the basics of using Verge to manage the state in your Swift applications. For more advanced use cases and additional features, please refer to the official Verge documentation and GitHub repository.
Using Activity of Store for Event-Driven Programming
In certain scenarios, event-driven programming is essential for creating responsive and efficient applications. The Verge library’s Activity of Store feature is designed to cater to this need, allowing developers to handle events seamlessly within their projects.
The Activity of Store comes into play when your application requires event-driven programming. It enables you to manage events and associated logic independently from the main store management, promoting a clean and organized code structure. This separation of concerns simplifies the overall development process and makes it easier to maintain and extend your application over time.
By leveraging the Activity of Store functionality, you can efficiently handle events within your application while keeping the store management intact. This ensures that your application remains performant and scalable, enabling you to build robust and reliable Swift applications using the Verge library.
Here’s an example of using Activity of Store:
Using Verge with SwiftUI
To use Verge in SwiftUI, you can utilize the
to subscribe to state updates within your SwiftUI views. Here’s an example of how to do this:In this example,
is used to read the state from theMyViewModel
store. This allows you to access and display the state within your SwiftUI view. Additionally, you can perform actions by calling methods on the store directly, as demonstrated with the button in the example.This new section will help users understand how to use Verge with SwiftUI, allowing them to manage state effectively within their SwiftUI views. Let me know if you have any further suggestions or changes!
StoreObject property wrapper:
SwiftUI provides the @StateObject property wrapper to create and manage a persistent instance of a given object that adheres to the ObservableObject protocol. However, StateObject will cause the view to be refreshed whenever the ObservableObject is updated.
In Verge, we introduce the StoreObject property wrapper, which instantiates a Store object for the duration of the view’s lifecycle but does not cause the view to refresh when the Store updates.
This is beneficial when you want to manage the Store in a more granular way, without causing the entire view to refresh when the Store changes. Instead, Store updates can be handled through the StoreReader.
Using Verge with UIKit
Here’s a simple usage example of Verge with a UIViewController:
Efficient State Updates in UIKit using
, andifChanged
In UIKit, which is event-driven, it’s crucial to update components efficiently by only updating them as needed. The Verge library provides a way to achieve this using the
method, theChanged<State>
type, and theifChanged
method.When you use the
method, the closure you provide receives the latest state wrapped in aChanged<State>
type. This wrapper also includes the previous state, allowing you to determine which properties have been updated using theifChanged
method.Here’s an example of using
in UIKit to efficiently update components:In this example, the component is updated only when
has changed, ensuring efficient updates in the UIKit-based application.Compared to UIKit, SwiftUI works with a declarative view structure, which means that there is less need to check for state changes to update the view. However, when working with UIKit, using
, andifChanged
helps maintain a performant and responsive application.Using TaskManager for Asynchronous Operations
Verge’s Store includes a TaskManager that allows you to dispatch and manage asynchronous operations. This feature simplifies handling async tasks while keeping them associated with your Store.
Basic usage
To use TaskManager, simply call the
method on your Store instance, and provide a closure that contains the asynchronous operation:Task management with keys and modes
TaskManager also enables you to manage tasks based on keys and modes. You can assign a unique key to each task and specify a mode for its execution. This allows you to control the execution behavior of tasks based on their keys.
For example, you can use the
mode to drop any currently running tasks with the same key and run the new task immediately:This functionality provides you with fine-grained control over how tasks are executed, ensuring that your application remains responsive and efficient, even when handling multiple asynchronous operations.
Advanced Usage: Managing Multiple Stores for Complex Applications
In theory, managing your entire application state in a single store is ideal. However, in large and complex applications, the computational complexity can become significant, leading to performance issues and slow application responsiveness. In such cases, it’s recommended to separate your state into multiple stores and integrate them as needed.
By dividing your state into multiple stores, you can reduce the complexity and overhead associated with state updates. Each store can manage a specific part of your application state, ensuring that updates are performed efficiently and quickly. This approach also promotes better organization and separation of concerns in your code, making it easier to maintain and extend your application over time.
To use multiple stores, create separate Store instances for different parts of your application state, and then connect them as needed. This may involve passing store instances to child components or sharing stores between sibling components. By structuring your application this way, you can ensure that each part of your application state is managed efficiently and effectively.
Copying State Between Stores
To copy state between stores, you can use the
method along with theifChanged
function to only trigger updates when the state has changed. Here’s an example:In this example, when the state of
changes instore
, the new value is committed tootherStore
. This approach allows you to synchronize state between multiple stores efficiently.Using Derived for Efficient Computed Properties
feature allows you to create computed properties based on your store’s state and efficiently subscribe to updates. This feature can help you optimize your application by reducing unnecessary computations and updates. Derived is inspired by the reselect library and provides similar functionality.Creating a Derived Property
To create a derived property, you’ll use the
method. This method takes aPipeline
object that describes how the derived data is generated:You can use
to generate derived data.select
is used to take a value directly from the state, whilemap
can be used to generate new values based on the state, similar to a map function:The
checks if the derived data has been updated from the previous value. If it hasn’t changed,Derived
won’t publish any changes.Chaining Derived Instances
You can create another Derived instance from an existing Derived instance, effectively chaining them together:
Subscribing to Derived Property Updates
To subscribe to updates of a derived property, you can use the
method, just like with a store:By using
for computed properties and subscribing to updates, you can ensure that your application remains efficient and performant, avoiding unnecessary computations and state updates.Introducing VergeORM
State management plays a crucial role in building efficient and maintainable applications. One of the essential aspects of state management is organizing the data in a way that simplifies its manipulation and usage. This is where normalization becomes vital.
Normalization is the process of structuring data in a way that eliminates redundancy and ensures data consistency. It is essential in state-management libraries because it significantly reduces the computational complexity of operations and makes it easier to manage the state.
Let’s take a look at an example to illustrate the difference between normalized and denormalized data structures.
Denormalized data structure:
In the denormalized structure, author data is duplicated in each post, which can lead to inconsistencies and make it harder to manage the state.
Normalized data structure:
In the normalized structure, author data is stored separately from posts, eliminating data redundancy and ensuring data consistency. The relationship between posts and authors is represented by the
field in the posts.VergeORM is designed to handle normalization in state-management libraries effectively. By leveraging VergeORM, you can simplify your state management, reduce the computational complexity of operations, and improve the overall performance and maintainability of your application.
Defining Entities
Here’s an example of how to define the
entities:Defining Database Schema
To store the entities in the state, you need to define the database schema:
Embedding the Database in State
Embed the
in your application’s state:Storing and Querying Entities
Here’s an example of how to store and query entities using a
propertyIn this example, we use
to perform batch updates on the database. We insert a new set of authors into theauthor
entity table. Then, we usestore.state.database.db.entities
to query thebook
entities by their identifiers.By using VergeORM, you can efficiently manage your application state with a normalized data structure, which simplifies your state management, reduces the computational complexity of operations, and improves the overall performance and maintainability of your application.
Verge supports SwiftPM.
Demo applications
This repo has several demo applications in Demo directory. And we’re looking for your demo applications to list it here! Please tell us from Issue!
🇯🇵 Muukii (Hiroshi Kimura)
Verge is released under the MIT license.