Global high-resolution weather forecasts directly from the world’s most trusted meteorological institutions.
In order to use this package, you will first need to obtain an API key from Storm Glass.
Add package to your Xcode project using Swift Package Manager.
// Step 1:
// Configure API Key
SGConfiguration.shared.apiKey = "your-api-key"
// Step 2:
// Create Endpoint Request
import StormGlass
let endpoint = SGWeatherPointRequest(... parameters)
// Step 3:
// Create Networking Request
let request = SGRequest(endpoint: endpoint)
// Step 4:
// Execute
request.fetch { result in
// Step 5:
// Handle Result...
// (psst, this is where you put your code using the data!)
Storm Glass for Swift
In order to use this package, you will first need to obtain an API key from Storm Glass.
Add package to your Xcode project using Swift Package Manager.