
RedECS Starter Template

A starter template to clone and start your game from


This template is broken down into 3 modules:

  1. GameShared which contains all the game logic
  2. GameMetal which is an executable MacOS target. You can run this right from Xcode by selecting it as the scheme to run.
  3. GameWeb which is a Web exectable that needs building and launching via Carton
    • Run on web for development with $ carton dev --product GameWeb
    • You can still build this target in xcode to check for compilation errors, but it executes from command line with Carton

You will probably put most of your work in GameShared. Start by adjusting the MainReducer to work in your own game logic.


  • Currently both executables need their own copies of resources. Ideally this would be fixed in future with some build tooling for the engine.