import Foundation
import Spinner
let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz")
sleep(2) // do work
Creating a spinner
Create a spinner by initializing an instance of the Spinner class.
let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz")
The Spinner() class ins accepts optional arguments that customise the spinner.
Initialize spinner
- Parameter pattern: spinner pattern
- Parameter message: message to render
- Parameter color: spinner pattern color
- Parameter speed: speed of spinner animation
- Parameter format: spinner format
- Parameter stream: output steam for spinner
- Parameter signal: signal trap implementation for spinner
public init(_ pattern: SpinnerPattern, _ message: String = "", color: Color = .default, speed: Double? = nil, format: String = "{S} {T}", stream: SpinnerStream? = nil, signal: SpinnerSignal? = nil)
Start the spinner
Call the Spinner.start() function to start the spinner animation. This will also call the SpinnerStream.hideCursor() function to hide the cursor.
let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz")
Stop the spinner
Call the Spinner.stop() function to stop the spinner animation. This will also call the SpinnerStream.showCursor() function to show the cursor.
let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz")
The Spinner.stop() function accepts optional arguments that customise its behaviour.
Stop the spinner
- Parameter frame: final frame to render before stopping
- Parameter message: final message to render before stopping
- Parameter color: final frame color
- Parameter terminator: the string to print after all items have been printed
public func stop(frame: String? = nil, message: String? = nil, color: Color? = nil, terminator: String = "\n")
Clear the spinner
The Spinner.clear() function is a helper function that stops and clears the spinner. Its implementation uses Spinner.stop() under the hood.
let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz")
Helper functions
Helper functions that implement Spinner.stop() under the hood are provided for common tasks.
Stop and clear the spinner
public func clear()
Stop and render a green tick for the final pattern frame
- Parameter message: spinner message to render
public func success(_ message: String? = nil)
Stop and render a red cross for the final pattern frame
- Parameter message: spinner message to render
public func error(_ message: String? = nil)
Stop and render a yellow warning symbol for the final pattern frame
- Parameter message: spinner message to render
public func warning(_ message: String? = nil)
Stop and render a blue information sign for the final pattern frame
- Parameter message: spinner message to render
public func info(_ message: String? = nil)
Updating the spinner while animating
Functions are provided to update the spinner while animating.
Update spinner pattern
- Parameter pattern: spinner pattern
public func pattern(_ pattern: SpinnerPattern)
Update spinner message
- Parameter message: message to render
public func message(_ message: String)
Update spinner animation speed
- Parameter speed: speed of spinner animation
public func speed(_ speed: Double)
Update spinner pattern color
- Parameter color: spinner pattern color
public func color(_ color: Color)
Update spinner format
- Parameter format: spinner format
public func format(_ format: String)
Spinner patterns
Customise the spinner render format
To the spinner the Spinner.format string is taken as a base and occurrences of keys are replaced to generate the rendered spinner.
{S} renders the animated pattern
{T} renders the message
{D} renders the duration of since starting the spinner
let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz", format : "{T} - {S}") // foo bar baz - ⠧
Timing the spinners duration
Use a custom Spinner.format string that includes {D} in order to render the duration of time since starting the spinner animation
let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz", format: "{D} {T} - {S}") // 8s ⠧ foo bar baz
Creating Custom Patterns
The SpinnerPattern() enum initializer to create a spinner pattern with an array of strings.
let pattern = SpinnerPattern(frames: ["1","2","3","4","5"])
let spinner = Spinner(pattern, "foo bar baz", speed: 0.3) // 1 foo bar baz
Spinner wraps output logic in a SpinnerStream protocol. This library provides the StdOutSpinnerStream class that implements to writing to STDOUT.
In order to handle process interrupts (for example, SIGINT through ctrl+c) a signal handler is used to show the user’s cursor before exiting. This library provides a SpinnerSignal protocol and a DefaultSpinnerSignal structure that handles this functionality by default. If this conflicts with other signals in use, a custom implementation of SpinnerSignal can be provided. See IBM-Swift/BlueSignals for a clean and safe way of handling signals. The appropriate signal handler for your project could look something like:
struct CustomSpinnerSignal: SpinnerSignal {
func trap() {
Signals.trap(signal: .int) { _ in
// print("\u{001B}[?25h", terminator: "")
// exit(0)
let spinner = Spinner(.dots, "foo bar baz", signal: CustomSpinnerSignal())
for outputInstall
Install via the Swift Package Manger by declaring Spinner as a dependency in your projects
:Getting Started
Creating a spinner
Create a spinner by initializing an instance of the
class ins accepts optional arguments that customise the spinner.Start the spinner
Call the
function to start the spinner animation. This will also call theSpinnerStream.hideCursor()
function to hide the cursor.Stop the spinner
Call the
function to stop the spinner animation. This will also call theSpinnerStream.showCursor()
function to show the cursor.The
function accepts optional arguments that customise its behaviour.Clear the spinner
function is a helper function that stops and clears the spinner. Its implementation usesSpinner.stop()
under the hood.Helper functions
Helper functions that implement
under the hood are provided for common tasks.Updating the spinner while animating
Functions are provided to update the spinner while animating.
Spinner patterns
Customise the spinner render format
To the spinner the
string is taken as a base and occurrences of keys are replaced to generate the rendered spinner.{S}
renders the animated pattern{T}
renders the message{D}
renders the duration of since starting the spinnerTiming the spinners duration
Use a custom
string that includes{D}
in order to render the duration of time since starting the spinner animationCreating Custom Patterns
enum initializer to create a spinner pattern with an array of strings.CustomStreams
Spinner wraps output logic in a
protocol. This library provides theStdOutSpinnerStream
class that implements to writing to STDOUT.Caveat
In order to handle process interrupts (for example, SIGINT through ctrl+c) a signal handler is used to show the user’s cursor before exiting. This library provides a
protocol and aDefaultSpinnerSignal
structure that handles this functionality by default. If this conflicts with other signals in use, a custom implementation ofSpinnerSignal
can be provided. See IBM-Swift/BlueSignals for a clean and safe way of handling signals. The appropriate signal handler for your project could look something like: