beta 5 compatibility fixes
SlidingTabView is a simple Android-Like tab view that is built using the latest and greatest SwiftUI. Almost everything is customizable!
Please use Swift Package Manager to install SlidingTabView
Just instantiate and bind it to your state. That is it!
@State private var selectedTabIndex = 0 SlidingTabView(selection: $selectedTabIndex,tabs: ["First Tab", "Second Tab"]
struct SlidingTabConsumerView : View { @State private var selectedTabIndex = 0 var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading) { SlidingTabView(selection: self.$selectedTabIndex, tabs: ["First", "Second"]) (selectedTabIndex == 0 ? Text("First View") : Text("Second View")).padding() Spacer() } .padding(.top, 50) .animation(.none) } } @available(iOS 13.0.0, *) struct SlidingTabView_Previews : PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { SlidingTabConsumerView() } }
Feel free to create a pull request!
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SlidingTabView is a simple Android-Like tab view that is built using the latest and greatest SwiftUI. Almost everything is customizable!
Please use Swift Package Manager to install SlidingTabView
Just instantiate and bind it to your state. That is it!
Canvas Preview
Suggestions or feedback?
Feel free to create a pull request!