ShellKit (🥚)
Shell is a simple package that gives you the ability to call shell commands through Swift.
Run (sync):
import ShellKit
let output = try Shell().run("ls ~")
Run (async):
import ShellKit
Shell().run("sleep 2 && ls ~") { result, error in
Shell (bash) with environment variables:
import ShellKit
let shell = Shell("/bin/bash", env: ["ENV_SAMPLE_KEY": "Hello world!"])
let out = try"echo $ENV_SAMPLE_KEY")
You can even set custom ouptut & error handlers.
Just use the Swift Package Manager as usual:
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
Don’t forget to add “ShellKit” to your target as a dependency:
.product(name: "ShellKit", package: "shell-kit"),
That’s it.
WTFPL - Do what the fuck you want to.
ShellKit (🥚)
Shell is a simple package that gives you the ability to call shell commands through Swift.
Run (sync):
Run (async):
Shell (bash) with environment variables:
You can even set custom ouptut & error handlers.
Just use the Swift Package Manager as usual:
Don’t forget to add “ShellKit” to your target as a dependency:
That’s it.
WTFPL - Do what the fuck you want to.