
The Kinetic SDK is a simple translation library to convert the raw data coming from the inRide 2 sensor into usable Speed, Cadence and Power data.

Your application is responsible for managing the BLE Peripheral state.

The inRide Power Service has a UUID that can be grabbed from the KineticInRidePowerServiceUUID constant (NSString *) The 3 characteristic uuids can be found at: KineticInRidePowerServicePowerUUID Notify: 20 bytes of power data.

KineticInRidePowerServiceConfigUUID Read / Notify: 20 bytes of current configuration (spindown time, update times, more)

KineticInRidePowerServiceControlPointUUID Write w/ Response: 3 - 11 bytes of command data.

Methods may accept NSError parameters and may return Data Errors (201, 202, 203). Where systemId is a parameter, it is the value of the SystemId characteristic (2A23) of the Device Information Service (180A). It is 6 bytes long.

// data is from the Power Service Config Characteristic (value property)-> 20 bytes long. [KineticInRide processConfigurationData:data error:&error];

// data is from the Power Service Power Characteristic (value property)-> 20 bytes long. systemId is 6 bytes long (see above). [KineticInRide processPowerData:data systemId:systemIdBytes error:&error];

All of these methods return a NSData object to write to the Control Point Char. Write w/ response. To prevent interruptions in the BLE transmit rate, the command result code is embedded in the next Power Value update.

// Starting the calibration process will increase the update interval from the sensor to 4x / second. // // The sensor state in the Power value will indicate what state the sensor is in: // Spindown Idle -> Spindown Ready -> Spindown Active -> Normal // Idle = Accelerate to over ~20mph // Ready = Start Coasting and DO NOT PEDAL (if they pedal, it will be detected and the process restarted) // Active = Coasting. Once the time interval is calculated from ~19mph to ~11mph, the time is checked. // // The Power Value will indicate the calibration result (too slow, too fast, successful, “middle”). // Too slow = tighten roller. // Too fast = loosen roller. // Middle = slower than 2 seconds but faster than 4.7 seconds. The rider may have the proflywheel on. // If they have a pro flywheel, they should loosen the roller. If they don’t, then need to tighten the roller. // // The pro flywheel is more or less auto-detected. It is very, very difficult to have a too slow result with a normal flywheel. // [KineticInRide startCalibrationCommandData:systemIdBytes error:&error];

// You do not need to call Stop if the calibration process completes (success or fail, doesn’t matter). // You may “cancel” the calibration process using this command data. [KineticInRide stopCalibrationCommandData:systemIdBytes error:&error];

// 1000 = 1x / second. 500 = 2x / second. 250 = 4x / second. [KineticInRide configureSensorCommandData:KineticInRideUpdateRateMillis1000 error:&error];

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