let httpClient = HTTPClient(...)
let sendGridClient = SendGridClient(httpClient: httpClient, apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY")
Using the API
You can use all of the available parameters here to build your SendGridEmail
Usage in a route closure would be as followed:
import SendGridKit
let email = SendGridEmail(...)
try await sendGridClient.send(email)
Error handling
If the request to the API failed for any reason a SendGridError is thrown and has an errors property that contains an array of errors returned by the API.
Simply ensure you catch errors thrown like any other throwing function
do {
try await sendGridClient.send(...)
catch let error as SendGridError {
SendGridKit is a Swift package used to communicate with the SendGrid API for Server Side Swift Apps.
Add the dependency to Package.swift:
Register the config and the provider.
Using the API
You can use all of the available parameters here to build your
Usage in a route closure would be as followed:Error handling
If the request to the API failed for any reason a
and has anerrors
property that contains an array of errors returned by the API. Simply ensure you catch errors thrown like any other throwing function