make NSXPCConnection to produce typed remoteObject / set typed exportedObject
pass Swift-specific structs/enums over XPC connection (with very little additional code)
have NSXPCIntegrace description in the single place
hide objective-c details, using pure Swift in the App
XPCTransport is kind of add-on to sXPC, providing message-oriented approach to XPC communication
XPCTransport introduces sort of stable connection between client and service endpoints
built-in handshake with initial customizable payload
built-in reconnect behaviour
Codable types support
Bidirectional communication
Library family
You can also find Swift libraries for macOS / *OS development
SwiftConvenience: Swift common extensions and utilities used in everyday development
sLaunchctl: Swift API to register and manage daemons and user-agents
sMock: Swift unit-test mocking framework similar to gtest/gmock
XPC service example
Note: full sample code resides in Sample folder
Assume protocol TokenService you are going to use over XPC connection
public struct TokenRequest: Equatable, Codable {
public var user: String
public var password: String
public struct TokenResponse: Equatable, Codable {
public var token: String
public var expiration: Date
public protocol TokenService {
func requestToken(_ request: TokenRequest, reply: @escaping (Result<TokenResponse, Error>) -> Void)
Create connection to TokenService and request token
let connection = TokenServiceXPCConnection(xpc: .service("com.alkenso.XPCService"))
let proxy = connection.remoteObjectProxy { error in
let request = TokenRequest(user: "alkenso", password: "1234567_lol")
proxy.requestToken(request) {
Assume we need to achieve two pretty common, close to real-world scenarios:
Receiving remote notifications
Sending analytic events
The logic of receiving/sending is implemented in another process and we can connect it via XPC
// XPCService -> App
public enum RemoteNotification: Codable {
case notify(String)
// first generic parameter - approval text
// second generic parameter - Boolean, indicating request is approved by user
case askApproval(XPCTransportMessage<String, Bool>)
// App -> XPCService
public struct AnalyticEvent: Codable {
var reason: String
var date: Date
Create connection to XPCService
// create XPCTransport connection
let connection = XPCTransportConnection(xpc: .service("com.alkenso.XPCService"))
// setup incoming messages handler
connection.setReceiveMessageHandler(RemoteNotification.self) {
switch $0 {
case .notify(let text):
print("[Notifcation] \(text)")
case .askApproval(let message):
print("[Approval] \(message.request)")
// Reply to XPCTransportMessage
// receive connection state updates (react to reconnects)
connection.stateHandler = { print("Connection state: \($0)") }
// all handlers/replies will be called on this queue
connection.queue = .main
// activate connection
// send analytic event through connection
do {
try connection.send(AnalyticEvent(reason: "Button clicked", date: Date()))
} catch {
print("Failed to send analytic event. Error: \(error)")
Setup XPCTransport server
// create XPCTransport server
let server = XPCTransportServer(.service)
// setup incoming messages handler
server.setReceiveMessageHandler(AnalyticEvent.self) { _, event in
print("Analytic event: \(event)")
// activate server
// ... some time later
// send notifications to all connected clients
guard let peer = server.activeConnections.first else { return }
do {
// send simple notification
try server.send(to: peer, message: .notify("You have new message"))
// send approval request that requires reply from the client(s)
let message = XPCTransportMessage<String, Bool>(
request: "New sign in detected on another device. Allow it?",
reply: { approvalResult in
switch approvalResult {
case .success(let approved):
print("Approved: \(approved)")
case .failure(let error):
print("Approval failed: \(error)")
try server.send(to: peer, message: .askApproval(message))
} catch {
print("Failed to send notification to peer. Error: \(error)")
sXPC - Swift-typed wrapper around NSXPCConneciton
sXPC allows you to
XPCTransport is kind of add-on to sXPC, providing message-oriented approach to XPC communication XPCTransport introduces sort of stable connection between client and service endpoints
Library family
You can also find Swift libraries for macOS / *OS development
XPC service example
Note: full sample code resides in Sample folder
Assume protocol
you are going to use over XPC connectionCreate connection to
and request tokenSetup
listenerXPCTransport example
Note: full sample code resides in Sample folder
Assume we need to achieve two pretty common, close to real-world scenarios:
The logic of receiving/sending is implemented in another process and we can connect it via XPC
Create connection to
Setup XPCTransport server