Requests can either have a signed payload or an unsigned payload.
If you know the request will not have a payload, set the Payload property to none. This tells s3 that the signature was created with no payload intended
If you are not sure what the exact payload will be, set payload property to unsigned. This tells s3 when you made the signature, there was a possibility of a payload but you weren’t sure what specific object will be uploaded.
Payload enum:
public enum Payload {
case data(Data)
case none
case unsigned
To begin working with the S3SignerAWS class, initialize an instance similar to example shown below:
let s3Signer = S3SignerAWS(accessKey: "YOUR_AWS_PUBLIC_KEY", secretKey: "YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY", region: .usStandard_usEast1)
NOTE - Hardcoding Secret Keys on client is not recommended for security reasons.
V4 Authorization Header
For both V4 Authorization Header and Pre-Signed URL, you can add additional headers as needed for your specific use case.
do {
guard let url = URL(string: "") else { throw someError }
let headers = try s3Signer.authHeaderV4(httpMethod: .get, urlString: url.absoluteString, headers: [:], payload: .none)
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpMethod = HTTPMethod.get.rawValue
headers.forEach { request.setValue($0.key, forHTTPHeaderField: $0.value) }
// make network request
} catch {
//handle error
do {
let bytesObject = try someDataObject.makeBytes()
guard let url = URL(string: "") else { throw someError }
let headers = try s3Signer.authHeadersV4(httpMethod: .put, urlString: url.absoluteString, headers: [:], payload: .bytes(bytesObject))
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpMethod = HTTPMethod.put.rawValue
request.httpBody = Data(bytes: bytesObject)
headers.forEach { request.setValue($0.key, forHTTPHeaderField: $0.value) }
// make network request
} catch {
//handle error
do {
guard let url = URL(string: "") else { throw someError }
let headers = try s3Signer.authHeadersV4(httpMethod: .delete, urlString: url.absoluteString, headers: [:], payload: .none)
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
request.httpMethod = HTTPMethod.delete.rawValue
headers.forEach { request.setValue($0.key, forHTTPHeaderField: $0.value) }
// make network request
} catch {
//handle error
V4 Pre-Signed URL
Similar to the ease of generating authentication headers, to generate a pre-signed url:
Generates V4 authorization headers and pre-signed URLs for authenticating AWS S3 REST API calls
Check out VaporS3Signer if your using
Table of Contents
Swift Package Manager
To install with swift package manager, add the package to your
Requests can either have a signed payload or an unsigned payload.
If you know the request will not have a payload, set the Payload property to none. This tells s3 that the signature was created with no payload intended
If you are not sure what the exact payload will be, set payload property to unsigned. This tells s3 when you made the signature, there was a possibility of a payload but you weren’t sure what specific object will be uploaded.
enum:To begin working with the S3SignerAWS class, initialize an instance similar to example shown below:
NOTE - Hardcoding Secret Keys on client is not recommended for security reasons.
V4 Authorization Header
For both V4 Authorization Header and Pre-Signed URL, you can add additional headers as needed for your specific use case.
V4 Pre-Signed URL
Similar to the ease of generating authentication headers, to generate a pre-signed url: