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Reswifq (pronounced like re - swif - queue) is a Redis-backed package for creating background jobs, and processing them later. It has an at least once delivery guarantee and it strictly implements the reliable queue pattern.

Background jobs can be any Swift type that conforms to the Job protocol. Your existing types can easily be converted to background jobs or you can create new types specifically to do work. Or, you can do both.

Reswifq, comprises different parts:

  • A Swift package for creating, querying, and processing jobs
  • A generic abstract module to interface with any Swift Redis client
  • A Kitura Redis client adapter to use out of the box
  • A Vapor Redis client adapter to use out of the box
  • A Dashboard app for monitoring queues, jobs, and workers. (🚧 work in progress 🚧)

Reswifq workers can be distributed between multiple machines, are resilient to memory bloat / leaks, tell you what they’re doing, and expect failure, unfortunately, priorities are not supported at the moment.

Reswifq queues are persistent; support constant time, atomic push and pop (thanks to Redis); provide visibility into their contents; and store jobs as simple JSON packages.

This repository is the framework’s source code. To view some sample projects, check out our demo here.

🏁 Getting Started

Reswifq allows you to create jobs and place them on a queue, then, later, pull those jobs off the queue and process them.

Reswifq jobs are Swift classes (or struct) which conforms to the Job protocol. Here’s an example:

struct SendEmail: Job {

    let recipient: String
    let subject: String
    let body: String

    // MARK: DataEncodable

    func data() throws -> Data {

        let object: [String: Any] = [
            "recipient": self.recipient,
            "subject": self.subject,
            "body": self.body

        return try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: object)

    // MARK: DataDecodable

    init(data: Data) throws {

        let object = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data)

        guard let dictionary = object as? Dictionary<String, Any> else {
            throw DataDecodableError.invalidData(data)

        guard let recipient = dictionary["recipient"] as? String,
            let subject = dictionary["subject"] as? String,
            let body = dictionary["body"] as? String
            else {
                throw DataDecodableError.invalidData(data)

        self.recipient = recipient
        self.subject = subject
        self.body = body

    // MARK: Job

    func perform() throws {

        try SMTPClient.send(to: recipient, subject: subject, body: body)

In order to conform to the Job protocol we have to also conform to the DataEncodable and DataDecodable protocols. In other words, we have to tell Reswifq how to serialize and deserialize your job, a process you could already be familiar with, if you’ve used NSCoding before. In this example we are using JSON, but any format can be used as long as it’s possible to convert the job from and to Data.

In addition to the above we may want to also set the following properties (optional):

  • type - the job type as stored in the jobMap, default to the type name
  • timeToLive - the maximum time a job can stay in the processing queue, default to 1 hour

To place a SendEmail job on our queue, we might add this to our pre-existing application’s queue:

let job = SendEmail(recipient: "john.appleseed@apple.com", subject: "Reswifq", body: "A simple reliable background processing for Swift.")

If we prefer to schedule the job for a delayed execution we can instead enqueue it specifying a schedule time:

queue.enqueue(job, scheduleAt: Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 3600.0)) // Send the email in an hour from now

Either way, a job will be created and placed on a queue.

Later, a worker will run something like this code to process the job:

let job = try queue.dequeue()


Reswifq workers are swift processes that run forever and don’t know about your app environment, in fact we suggest you to group your jobs into a module that can be shared between your app and workers.

Once a Reswifq worker starts, it’ll try to run the SendEmail.perform() code snippet above and process jobs until it can’t find any more, at which point it will sleep for a small period and repeatedly poll the queue for more jobs.

Workers can run on multiple machines. In fact they can be run anywhere with network access to the Redis server.

For an example on how to start a worker and for a list of configurable settings available, please follow the documentation on our demo project.


If a job raises an exception, it is logged and handed off to the Reswifc.Monitor module. Reswifc will periodically check for expired / failed jobs and it will re-enqueue them until the maximum retry attempt limit is reached, once that happens the job will be completely removed from the processing queue.

🔧 Compatibility

This package has been tested on macOS and Ubuntu.

📖 License

Created by Valerio Mazzeo.

Copyright © 2017 VMLabs Limited. All rights reserved.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

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