Version 1.3.0
Most common features that are commonly used and/or reusable can be found in this repo.
GemCommonsKit requires Swift 5.1.
Carthage: Put this in your Cartfile:
github "gematik/ref-GemCommonsKit" ~> 1.0
You will need Bundler, XcodeGen and fastlane to conveniently use the established development environment.
Checkout (and build) dependencies and generate the xcodeproject
$ make setup
Build the project
$ make cibuild
Logging with DLog():
DLog("Any message")
©Copyright 2023 CCF 开源发展委员会 Powered by Trustie& IntelliDE 京ICP备13000930号
Most common features that are commonly used and/or reusable can be found in this repo.
Getting Started
GemCommonsKit requires Swift 5.1.
Setup for integration:
Carthage: Put this in your
:Setup for development
You will need Bundler, XcodeGen and fastlane to conveniently use the established development environment.
Checkout (and build) dependencies and generate the xcodeproject
Build the project
Logging with