A Swift pyTanks Player client.
What is pyTanks?
pyTanks is a battleground for Python AIs to fight it out.
- The Python Server manages the game and communicates with tank clients about game state.
- The JavaScript/HTML Viewer manages the display of the battlefield and the scoreboard.
- Tank Player Clients manage and run Tank AIs, communicating with the server by sending and receiving JSON via web sockets.
- Python Player - Works on any OS with Python 3
- Swift Player - Works on macOS Sierra or later with Swift 4.2 and Swift Package Manager. You may also get it to run on Linux, but Linux is not officially supported at this time.
Where does Swift come in?
The existing pyTanks.Player expects clients to be written in Python, however, all communication happens via JSON and web sockets. Because these are open standards, a client may theoretically be written in any language. This project provides a Swift template for pyTank players.
- macOS 10.12 Sierra or later
- Swift 4.2 or later
- Swift Package Manager, which will automatically collect any dependencies upon building.
Vended Products
This package contains 3 products that are publically vended:
— An executable that runs the SimplePlayer
example AI.
— A library that other packages can use to build custom Player
— A library that other packages can use to build custom Player executables.
Rather than needing to fork this repo, you can get your own AI up and running by simply adding this package as a dependency to your own package.
To compile the player, run Utils/build-executable <config>
, where <config>
is debug
or release
. This will place an executable program called start
at the top level of the working directory.
To run the previously-compiled executable, run ./start
from the top-level directory.
The main client configuration options are specified in the ClientConfiguration
struct. You may change them directly in your own fork, but a few are customizable on the command line by default:
--log logLevel
, where logLevel cooresponds to one of the following:
- 0 - Don’t log anything
- 1 - Connects, disconnects, and errors
- 2 - Level 1, plus game events and AI logic
- 3 - Level 2, plus FPS
- 4 - Level 3, plus Client IO (every incoming and outgoing message)
turns on debug message logging
--ip address
, where address is the IP address of the pyTanks server you wish to connect to
--port p
, where p is the port on the pyTanks server you wish to connect to
The default player is SimplePlayer
, which simply travels in random directions and attempts shooting at enemy tanks without considering walls.
Working in Xcode
To work on a fork in Xcode, run swift package generate-xcodeproj
from the command line while inside the working directory. After opening the newly generated pyTanks.SwiftPlayer.xcodeproj
file, be sure to change the project target to macOS 10.12 instead of 10.10. This allows it to be built, run, and debugged inside Xcode.
Create Your Own Tank AI
To create a new AI:
- Create a Swift package and add this one as a dependency.
- In some target,
import PlayerSupport
and conform an object to the Player
- Create an executable target with code like the following:
import CustomPlayer
import ClientControl
let myPlayer = CustomPlayer()
Game(player: myPlayer).run(arguments: CommandLine.arguments)
Any object that conforms to the Player
protocol acts as the brain for a tank. You can either create your own object to conform to this protocol or conform an existing one. The Player
protocol has the following requirements:
var playerDescription: String?
- This variable must provide get
access to an optional textual description of the AI. This will be displayed in the pyTanks Viewer when a user clicks on the associated tank name.
var log: Log!
- This variable must provide set
access so that that the game loop can set the appropriate Log
object on your player. This Log
object may be used to print log messages in a synchronized and logLevel-aware fashion.
var gameConfig: GameConfiguration!
- This variable must provide set
access so that the game loop can set a GameConfiguration
object on your player. This object describes size, speed, and FPS for game elements.
func connectedToServer()
- A possibly-mutating function that will be called as soon as the first connection to the server is made. Do any setup work here that is not dependent on the current round. You can also put setup work in an init
method if you do not wish to wait until a connection has been made.
func roundStarting(withGameState: GameState)
- Called when a round is starting.
func makeMove(withGameState: GameState) -> Command?
- Called each frame during a round. May return a command for the tank. For the first move in a round, this will be called with the same GameState
object as roundStarting(withGameState:)
func tankKilled()
- Called when a tank is killed, regardless of whether it results in the end of a round or not.
func roundOver()
- Called when a round is over, even if tankKilled()
was just called.
The sequence of calls on the Player
is as follows:
and gameConfig
are set before attempting to connect to the server.
- After a server connection is made,
is accessed and a new info string is sent to the server for the AI.
is called
each frame
only if the tank was killed
regardless of who won
- repeat steps 4–7 until termination
Inside the makeMove(withGameState:)
function, you return an optional command for the tank. Commands are defined in the Command
enum. Valid commands include go
, stop
, turn
, and fire
. See the documentation in PlayerSupport/Commands.swift
A few things to keep in mind:
- Your tank will die after 1 hit.
- Your tank will automatically stop if it collides with something, but you can always tell it to “go” again.
- Headings are always in radians with 0 being in the direction of the positive x axis.
The GameState
At the beginning of each round, and each frame, you are sent a GameState
object representing the state of the board at a point in time. This gives you access to information about your own tank (.myTank
), enemy tanks (otherTanks
), currently flying shells (shells
), and board walls (walls
). Note that otherTanks
are stored in a Dictionary
with a tank’s unique ID as its key. IDs are not guarenteed to be persisted between runs. See the documentation in GameState.swift
for all the available properties of GameState
Custom Logging
In your AI, you can log at anytime using the Log
object set on your Player
‘s log
property. Simply call print(_:for:)
to print a message conditional on a specific log type being requested. You may pass .debug
as the log type to treat it as a debug message that should only be printed if --debug
was specified on the command line.
In your own fork, you may also easily modify which log levels are associated with which log types. Inside the Log
class (PlayerSupport/Log.swift
) is the LogTypes
struct. This struct conforms to OptionSet
and simply acts as a bitmask of log types. You can change which types are associated with which levels by modifying lines such as those below:
/// Includes everything in level 1 plus `gameEvents` and `aiLogic`
public static let level2: LogTypes = [
A Swift pyTanks Player client.
What is pyTanks?
pyTanks is a battleground for Python AIs to fight it out.
Where does Swift come in?
The existing pyTanks.Player expects clients to be written in Python, however, all communication happens via JSON and web sockets. Because these are open standards, a client may theoretically be written in any language. This project provides a Swift template for pyTank players.
Vended Products
This package contains 3 products that are publically vended:
— An executable that runs theSimplePlayer
example AI.PlayerSupport
— A library that other packages can use to build customPlayer
— A library that other packages can use to build custom Player executables.Rather than needing to fork this repo, you can get your own AI up and running by simply adding this package as a dependency to your own package.
To compile the player, run
Utils/build-executable <config>
, where<config>
. This will place an executable program calledstart
at the top level of the working directory.To run the previously-compiled executable, run
from the top-level directory.The main client configuration options are specified in the
struct. You may change them directly in your own fork, but a few are customizable on the command line by default:--log logLevel
, where logLevel cooresponds to one of the following:--debug
turns on debug message logging--ip address
, where address is the IP address of the pyTanks server you wish to connect to--port p
, where p is the port on the pyTanks server you wish to connect toThe default player is
, which simply travels in random directions and attempts shooting at enemy tanks without considering walls.Working in Xcode
To work on a fork in Xcode, run
swift package generate-xcodeproj
from the command line while inside the working directory. After opening the newly generatedpyTanks.SwiftPlayer.xcodeproj
file, be sure to change the project target to macOS 10.12 instead of 10.10. This allows it to be built, run, and debugged inside Xcode.Create Your Own Tank AI
To create a new AI:
import PlayerSupport
and conform an object to thePlayer
protocol.Any object that conforms to the
protocol acts as the brain for a tank. You can either create your own object to conform to this protocol or conform an existing one. ThePlayer
protocol has the following requirements:var playerDescription: String?
- This variable must provideget
access to an optional textual description of the AI. This will be displayed in the pyTanks Viewer when a user clicks on the associated tank name.var log: Log!
- This variable must provideset
access so that that the game loop can set the appropriateLog
object on your player. ThisLog
object may be used to print log messages in a synchronized and logLevel-aware fashion.var gameConfig: GameConfiguration!
- This variable must provideset
access so that the game loop can set aGameConfiguration
object on your player. This object describes size, speed, and FPS for game elements.func connectedToServer()
- A possibly-mutating function that will be called as soon as the first connection to the server is made. Do any setup work here that is not dependent on the current round. You can also put setup work in aninit
method if you do not wish to wait until a connection has been made.func roundStarting(withGameState: GameState)
- Called when a round is starting.func makeMove(withGameState: GameState) -> Command?
- Called each frame during a round. May return a command for the tank. For the first move in a round, this will be called with the sameGameState
object asroundStarting(withGameState:)
.func tankKilled()
- Called when a tank is killed, regardless of whether it results in the end of a round or not.func roundOver()
- Called when a round is over, even iftankKilled()
was just called.The sequence of calls on the
is as follows:log
are set before attempting to connect to the server.playerDescription
is accessed and a new info string is sent to the server for the AI.connectedToServer()
is calledroundStarting(withGameState:)
each frametankKilled()
only if the tank was killedroundOver()
regardless of who wonInside the
function, you return an optional command for the tank. Commands are defined in theCommand
enum. Valid commands includego
, andfire
. See the documentation inPlayerSupport/Commands.swift
.A few things to keep in mind:
At the beginning of each round, and each frame, you are sent a
object representing the state of the board at a point in time. This gives you access to information about your own tank (.myTank
), enemy tanks (otherTanks
), currently flying shells (shells
), and board walls (walls
). Note thatotherTanks
are stored in aDictionary
with a tank’s unique ID as its key. IDs are not guarenteed to be persisted between runs. See the documentation inGameState.swift
for all the available properties ofGameState
.Custom Logging
In your AI, you can log at anytime using the
object set on yourPlayer
property. Simply callprint(_:for:)
to print a message conditional on a specific log type being requested. You may pass.debug
as the log type to treat it as a debug message that should only be printed if--debug
was specified on the command line.In your own fork, you may also easily modify which log levels are associated with which log types. Inside the
class (PlayerSupport/Log.swift
) is theLogTypes
struct. This struct conforms toOptionSet
and simply acts as a bitmask of log types. You can change which types are associated with which levels by modifying lines such as those below: