Xcode 14.2: Explicit any annotations
ProtoKit is a collection of protocols and extensions that make prototyping faster and easier with Swift programming language
ProtoKit is structured as a Package (Swift Package Manager, SPM), each swift file contains a specific feature / functionality.
Current features are:
ProtoKit version 6.0 and later requires:
Protocol types and naming conventions used in this framework:
Created and maintained by @moximillian.
Unified Collection inspired by
ProtoKit is released under an MIT License. See LICENSE for details.
Copyright © 2019-present Mox Soini.
Please provide attribution, it is greatly appreciated.
ProtoKit is a collection of protocols and extensions that make prototyping faster and easier with Swift programming language
ProtoKit is structured as a Package (Swift Package Manager, SPM), each swift file contains a specific feature / functionality.
Current features are:
ProtoKit version 6.0 and later requires:
Protocol naming conventions
Protocol types and naming conventions used in this framework:
Created and maintained by @moximillian.
Unified Collection inspired by
is released under an MIT License. SeeLICENSE
for details.Please provide attribution, it is greatly appreciated.