
PackageGen license release

PackageGen is command line tool that generates Package.swift files based on Packagefile and package.yml files. It helps to minimize manifest code writing for new modules.

In addition it can render dependencies graph to give you visual representation of your dependencies (see Rendering Dependencies Graph for more info).

This tool is simply allow you to write same Package.swift manifest files in yml and omit some repeating properties by declaring all of them in one place - Packagefile (which is also written in yml).
It seems not really useful when your project has few modules, but process of writing whole Package.swift over and over againg can become messy and tedious when your projects grows (with number of modules respectively).

Here is simple comparison between two approaches (note that Packagefile is one for whole project):

Vanilla Package.swift
// swift-tools-version:5.3

import PackageDescription

let name: String = "ModuleA"

let platforms: [SupportedPlatform] = [

let dependencies: [Package.Dependency] = [
    .package(path: "../ModuleB"),
    .package(path: "../ModuleC"),
    .package(path: "../ModuleD"),
    .package(url: "https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxSwift.git", .exact("6.2.0")),
    .package(url: "https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "5.2.0"))

let products: [Product] = [
        name: "ModuleA",
        targets: [

let targets: [Target] = [
        name: "ModuleA",
        dependencies: [
            .product(name: "ModuleB", package: "ModuleB"),
            .product(name: "ModuleC", package: "ModuleC"),
            .product(name: "ModuleD", package: "ModuleD"),
            .product(name: "RxSwift", package: "RxSwift"),
            .product(name: "Alamofire", package: "Alamofire")
        path: "Sources"

let package = Package(
    name: name,
    platforms: platforms,
    products: products,
    dependencies: dependencies,
    targets: targets
PackageGen's package.yml


swiftToolsVersion: '5.3'

  iOS: v14

  - github: ReactiveX/RxSwift
    exact: '6.2.0'
    id: RxSwift
  - github: Alamofire/Alamofire
    upToNextMajor: '5.2.0'
    id: Alamofire


  - ModuleB
  - ModuleC
  - ModuleD
  - RxSwift
  - Alamofire


git clone https://github.com/kulikov-ivan/pkgen pkgen
cd pkgen
git checkout release/1.0.0
swift build
cp .build/debug/pkgen /your/path/to/pkgen

Homebrew (not supported yet)

brew install pkgen

Swift Package Manager

.package(url: "https://github.com/kulikov-ivan/pkgen.git", from: "1.0.0")


Basically, all you need to do is:

  • Create Packagefile in root of your project
  • Fill Packagefile with all external dependencies and default parameters (swiftToolsVersion, platforms, swiftLanguageVersions etc.) you need (see Packagefile Spec for more info)
  • Add package.yml (in root of package) for every package you have
  • Fill package.yml with required parameters. In most cases it’s just module dependencies, but you can also customize any parameters that vanilla Package.swift has (see Manifest Spec for more info)
  • Run pkgen generate to generate Package.swift for every pacakge
  • [Optional] add Package.swift to your .gitignore to keep things clear 🙂

Available Commands

pkgen generate

This will look for a Packagefile in the current directory and traverse all subdirectories (excluding hidden directories) in current directory for any package.yml files. For every package.yml found this command will generate Package.swift file next to it.


  • -q –quietly - Disable all logs
  • –use-cache - Generate Package.swift for only modifies package.yml from last generation (or if Packagefile was changed). Cache file will be located at ~/.pkgen/cache/pkgen_cache.json
pkgen graph

This will take provided Packagefile and render graph.pdf to output path.


  • packagefile - Path to Packagefile
  • path - Path to graph.pdf output file
pkgen help

Get detailed usage information from cli.



Feel free to make pull requests for any bugs, features, or documentation, they are always welcome!
To contribute to pkgen, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Create a branch: git checkout -b <branch_name>
  3. Make your changes and commit them: git commit -m '<commit_message>'
  4. Push to the original branch: git push origin dev
  5. Create the pull request


MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
