If you receive a compile error that says the following, you need to install and link libxml2
note: you may be able to install libxml-2.0 using your system-packager:
brew install libxml2
Compile Swift Module 'PerfectXML' (2 sources)
<module-includes>:1:9: note: in file included from <module-includes>:1:
#import "libxml2.h"
To install and link libxml2 with homebrew, use the following two commands
brew install libxml2
brew link --force libxml2
Linux Build Notes
Ensure that you have installed libxml2-dev and pkg-config.
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev pkg-config
Instantiate an XDocument object with your XML string
import PerfectXML
let document = XDocument(fromSource: xmlString)
Instantiate an HTMLDocument object with your HTML string
import PerfectXML
let document = HTMLDocument(fromSource: htmlString)
Now you can get the root node of the document structure by using the documentElement property
Each node also has a getElementsByTagName: method that recursively searches through it and its children to return an array of all nodes that have that name. This method makes it easy to find a single value in the XML file.
Constructing model types from XML feeds is easy with getElementsByTagName
import PerfectXML
let rssXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" +
"<rss version=\"2.0\">" +
" <channel>" +
" <title>W3Schools Home Page</title>" +
" <link>http://www.w3schools.com</link>" +
" <description>Free web building tutorials</description>" +
" <item>" +
" <title>RSS Tutorial</title>" +
" <link>http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_rss.asp</link>" +
" <description>New RSS tutorial on W3Schools</description>" +
" </item>" +
" <item>" +
" <title>XML Tutorial</title>" +
" <link>http://www.w3schools.com/xml</link>" +
" <description>New XML tutorial on W3Schools</description>" +
" </item>" +
" </channel>" +
let rssDocument = XDocument(fromSource: rssXML)
let feedItems = rssDocument?.documentElement?.getElementsByTagName("item")
print(feedItems?.count) // prints 2
let items = feedItems?.map({ MyCustomStruct(xmlNode: $0) })
Sometimes tag names are a bit too generic in order to meaningfully search for them, such as “title” in the example above. If we wanted to get the Channel title, link, and description, we could visit each of its children in a more deliberate way.
import PerfectXML
let rssXML = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>" +
"<rss version=\"2.0\">" +
" <channel>" +
" <title>W3Schools Home Page</title>" +
" <link>http://www.w3schools.com</link>" +
" <description>Free web building tutorials</description>" +
" <item>" +
" <title>RSS Tutorial</title>" +
" <link>http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_rss.asp</link>" +
" <description>New RSS tutorial on W3Schools</description>" +
" </item>" +
" <item>" +
" <title>XML Tutorial</title>" +
" <link>http://www.w3schools.com/xml</link>" +
" <description>New XML tutorial on W3Schools</description>" +
" </item>" +
" </channel>" +
let rssDocument = XDocument(fromSource: rssXML)
let channelNode = rssDocument?.documentElement?.getElementsByTagName("channel").first
let channelTitle = channelNode?.childNodes.filter({ $0.nodeName == "title" }).first?.nodeValue
let channelLink = channelNode?.childNodes.filter({ $0.nodeName == "link" }).first?.nodeValue
let channelDescription = channelNode?.childNodes.filter({ $0.nodeName == "description" }).first?.nodeValue
print(channelTitle) // Optional("W3Schools Home Page")
print(channelLink) // Optional("http://www.w3schools.com")
print(channelDescription) // Optional("Free web building tutorials")
Parse XML Source
This snippet will parse an XML source string and then convert it back into a string.
let docSrc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<a><b><c a=\"attr1\">HI</c><d/></b></a>\n"
let doc = XDocument(fromSource: docSrc)
let str = doc?.string(pretty: false)
XCTAssert(str == docSrc, "\(str)")
Parse HTML Source
This snippet will parse an HTML source string.
let docSrc = "<html>\n<head>\n<title>title</title></head>\n<body>\n<div>hi</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n"
let doc = HTMLDocument(fromSource: docSrc)
let nodeName = doc?.documentElement?.nodeName
XCTAssert(nodeName == "html")
Inspect Node Names
let docSrc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<a><b/><c/><d/></a>\n"
let doc = XDocument(fromSource: docSrc)
XCTAssert(doc?.nodeName == "#document")
guard let children = doc?.documentElement else {
return XCTAssert(false, "No children")
XCTAssert(children.nodeName == "a")
let names = ["b", "c", "d"]
for (n, v) in zip(children.childNodes, names) {
guard let _ = n as? XElement else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(n.nodeName == v, "\(n.nodeName) != \(v)")
Inspect Text Node
let value = "ABCD"
let docSrc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<a>\(value)</a>\n"
let doc = XDocument(fromSource: docSrc)
XCTAssert(doc?.nodeName == "#document")
guard let children = doc?.documentElement else {
return XCTAssert(false, "No children")
XCTAssert(children.nodeName == "a")
do {
let children = children.childNodes
XCTAssert(children.count == 1)
guard let textChild = children.first as? XText else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(textChild.nodeValue == value)
Check Node Type
let value = "ABCD"
let docSrc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<a>\(value)</a>\n"
let doc = XDocument(fromSource: docSrc)
XCTAssert(doc?.nodeName == "#document")
guard let children = doc?.documentElement else {
return XCTAssert(false, "No children")
XCTAssert(children.nodeName == "a")
let nodeType = children.nodeType
if case .elementNode = nodeType {
} else {
XCTAssert(false, "\(nodeType)")
First & Last Child
let docSrc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<a><b/><c/><d/></a>\n"
let doc = XDocument(fromSource: docSrc)
XCTAssert(doc?.nodeName == "#document")
guard let children = doc?.documentElement else {
return XCTAssert(false, "No children")
XCTAssert(children.nodeName == "a")
guard let firstChild = children.firstChild else {
return XCTAssert(false)
guard let lastChild = children.lastChild else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(firstChild.nodeName == "b")
XCTAssert(lastChild.nodeName == "d")
Next & Previous Sibling
let docSrc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<a><b/><c/><d/></a>\n"
let doc = XDocument(fromSource: docSrc)
XCTAssert(doc?.nodeName == "#document")
guard let children = doc?.documentElement else {
return XCTAssert(false, "No children")
XCTAssert(children.nodeName == "a")
guard let firstChild = children.firstChild else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(firstChild.nodeName == "b")
guard let nextSib = firstChild.nextSibling else {
return XCTAssert(false)
guard let prevSib = nextSib.previousSibling else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(nextSib.nodeName == "c")
XCTAssert(prevSib.nodeName == "b")
Element Attributes
let docSrc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<a><b atr1=\"the value\" atr2=\"the other value\"></b></a>\n"
let doc = XDocument(fromSource: docSrc)
XCTAssert(doc?.nodeName == "#document")
guard let children = doc?.documentElement else {
return XCTAssert(false, "No children")
XCTAssert(children.nodeName == "a")
guard let firstChild = children.firstChild as? XElement else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(firstChild.nodeName == "b")
guard let atr1 = firstChild.getAttribute(name: "atr1") else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(atr1 == "the value")
guard let atr2 = firstChild.getAttributeNode(name: "atr2") else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(atr2.value == "the other value")
With namespaces:
let names = ["atr1", "atr2"]
let docSrc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<a xmlns:foo=\"foo:bar\"><b foo:atr1=\"the value\" foo:atr2=\"the other value\"></b></a>\n"
let doc = XDocument(fromSource: docSrc)
XCTAssert(doc?.nodeName == "#document")
guard let children = doc?.documentElement else {
return XCTAssert(false, "No children")
XCTAssert(children.nodeName == "a")
guard let firstChild = children.firstChild else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(firstChild.nodeName == "b")
guard let attrs = firstChild.attributes else {
return XCTAssert(false, "nil attributes")
XCTAssert(attrs.length == 2)
for name in names {
guard let item = attrs.getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI: "foo:bar", localName: name) else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(item.nodeName == name)
Get Elements By Name
let docSrc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<a><b/><a><b><b/></b></a></a>\n"
let doc = XDocument(fromSource: docSrc)
XCTAssert(doc?.nodeName == "#document")
guard let elements = doc?.documentElement?.getElementsByTagName("b") else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(elements.count == 3)
for node in elements {
XCTAssert(node.nodeName == "b")
With namespaces:
let docSrc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<a xmlns:foo=\"foo:bar\"><b/><foo:a><b>FOO<b/></b></foo:a></a>\n"
let doc = XDocument(fromSource: docSrc)
XCTAssert(doc?.nodeName == "#document")
do {
guard let elements = doc?.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: "foo:bar", localName: "a") else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(elements.count == 1)
for node in elements {
XCTAssert(node.nodeName == "a")
XCTAssert(node.localName == "a")
XCTAssert(node.prefix == "foo")
XCTAssert(node.namespaceURI == "foo:bar")
do {
guard let elements = doc?.documentElement?.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: "foo:bar", localName: "a") else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(elements.count == 1)
for node in elements {
XCTAssert(node.nodeName == "a")
XCTAssert(node.localName == "a")
XCTAssert(node.prefix == "foo")
XCTAssert(node.namespaceURI == "foo:bar")
do {
guard let elements = doc?.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: "foo:barz", localName: "a") else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(elements.count == 0)
do {
guard let elements = doc?.documentElement?.getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: "foo:barz", localName: "a") else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(elements.count == 0)
Get Element By ID
let docSrc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<a><b id=\"foo\"/><a><b>FOO<b/></b></a></a>\n"
let doc = XDocument(fromSource: docSrc)
XCTAssert(doc?.nodeName == "#document")
guard let element = doc?.getElementById("foo") else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(element.tagName == "b")
let docSrc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<a><b id=\"foo\"/><a><b>FOO<b/></b></a></a>\n"
guard let doc = XDocument(fromSource: docSrc) else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(doc.nodeName == "#document")
let pathRes = doc.extract(path: "/a/b")
guard case .nodeSet(let set) = pathRes else {
return XCTAssert(false, "\(pathRes)")
for node in set {
guard let b = node as? XElement else {
return XCTAssert(false, "\(node)")
XCTAssert(b.tagName == "b")
let docSrc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<a><b id=\"foo\"/><a><b>FOO<b/></b></a></a>\n"
guard let doc = XDocument(fromSource: docSrc) else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(doc.nodeName == "#document")
let pathRes = doc.extract(path: "/a/b/@id")
guard case .nodeSet(let set) = pathRes else {
return XCTAssert(false, "\(pathRes)")
for node in set {
guard let b = node as? XAttr else {
return XCTAssert(false, "\(node)")
XCTAssert(b.name == "id")
XCTAssert(b.value == "foo")
let docSrc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<a><b id=\"foo\"/><a><b>FOO<b/></b></a></a>\n"
guard let doc = XDocument(fromSource: docSrc) else {
return XCTAssert(false)
XCTAssert(doc.nodeName == "#document")
let pathRes = doc.extract(path: "/a/a/b/text()")
guard case .nodeSet(let set) = pathRes else {
return XCTAssert(false, "\(pathRes)")
for node in set {
guard let b = node as? XText else {
return XCTAssert(false, "\(node)")
guard let nodeValue = b.nodeValue else {
return XCTAssert(false, "\(b)")
XCTAssert(nodeValue == "FOO")
let docSrc = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<a xmlns:foo=\"foo:bar\"><b/><foo:a><b>FOO<b/></b></foo:a></a>\n"
guard let doc = XDocument(fromSource: docSrc) else {
return XCTAssert(false)
let namespaces = [("f", "foo:bar")]
let pathRes = doc.extract(path: "/a/f:a", namespaces: namespaces)
guard case .nodeSet(let set) = pathRes else {
return XCTAssert(false, "\(pathRes)")
for node in set {
guard let e = node as? XElement else {
return XCTAssert(false, "\(node)")
XCTAssert(e.tagName == "a")
XCTAssert(e.namespaceURI == "foo:bar")
XCTAssert(e.prefix == "foo")
XML & HTML parsing support for Perfect
It currently contains most of the DOM Core level 2 read-only APIs and includes XPath support.
Add this project as a dependency in your Package.swift file.
macOS Build Notes
If you receive a compile error that says the following, you need to install and link libxml2
To install and link libxml2 with homebrew, use the following two commands
Linux Build Notes
Ensure that you have installed libxml2-dev and pkg-config.
Instantiate an XDocument object with your XML string
Instantiate an HTMLDocument object with your HTML string
Now you can get the root node of the document structure by using the documentElement property
Each node has several important properties
Each node also has a getElementsByTagName: method that recursively searches through it and its children to return an array of all nodes that have that name. This method makes it easy to find a single value in the XML file.
Constructing model types from XML feeds is easy with getElementsByTagName
Sometimes tag names are a bit too generic in order to meaningfully search for them, such as “title” in the example above. If we wanted to get the Channel title, link, and description, we could visit each of its children in a more deliberate way.
Parse XML Source
This snippet will parse an XML source string and then convert it back into a string.
Parse HTML Source
This snippet will parse an HTML source string.
Inspect Node Names
Inspect Text Node
Check Node Type
First & Last Child
Next & Previous Sibling
Element Attributes
With namespaces:
Get Elements By Name
With namespaces:
Get Element By ID