
Perfect Repeater

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The Perfect “Repeater” is a simple library that takes a closure and executes it at the specified interval until the closure returns false or the application is terminated.

Note that a demo is located at https://github.com/PerfectExamples/Perfect-Repeater-Demo that shows the operation of the library.

Compatibility with Swift

The master branch of this project currently compiles with Xcode 9 or the Swift 4 toolchain on Ubuntu, and is compatible with both Perfect 2.x and 3.x


Add this project as a dependency in your Package.swift file.

.Package(url:"https://github.com/PerfectlySoft/Perfect-Repeater.git", majorVersion: 1)


Include in your file the import statement:

import PerfectRepeater

The base form of executing this is:

Repeater.exec(timer: <Double>, callback: <Closure>)

To demonstrate the process of repeating a closure containing your code and optionally re-queuing:

var opt = 1

let c = {
    () -> Bool in
    return true
let cc = {
    () -> Bool in
    print("Hello, world! (\(opt))")
    if opt < 10 {
        opt += 1
        return true
    } else {
        print("cc exiting.")
        return false

Repeater.exec(timer: 3.0, callback: c)
Repeater.exec(timer: 2.0, callback: cc)

Further Information

For more information on the Perfect project, please visit perfect.org.

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