Perfect-HTTPServer 简体中文
HTTP Server for Perfect
This repository contains the main HTTP 1.1 & HTTP/2 server.
If you are using this server for your Perfect Server-Side Swift project then this will be the main dependency for your project.
.package(url: "", from: "3.0.0")
If you are starting out with Perfect look at the main Perfect repository for details.
If you are beginning a new project with Perfect look at the PerfectTemplate project for starter instructions.
When building on Linux, OpenSSL 1.0.2+ is required for this package. On Ubuntu 14 or some Debian distributions you will need to update your OpenSSL before this package will build.
As of version 2.2.6, experimental HTTP/2 server support is available but is disabled by default. To enable HTTP/2, add “alpnSupport” to your server’s TLSConfiguration struct:
let securePort = 8181
let tls = TLSConfiguration(certPath: "my.cert.pem",
alpnSupport: [.http2, .http11])
try HTTPServer.launch(
name: "servername",
port: securePort,
routes: secureRoutes))
This will enable HTTP/2 to be used over secure connections if the client supports it. If the client does not support HTTP/2 then the server will use HTTP 1.x. HTTP/2 support is only offered over secure connections. Setting the global http2Debug
variable to true will have the HTTP/2 server print much debugging information to the console while in use.
Please contact us if you experience any problems or incompatibilities while experimenting with HTTP/2 support.
Add the dependency to your Package.swift
.package(url: "", from: "3.0.0")
In your app, launch one or more servers.
// start a single server serving static files
try HTTPServer.launch(name: "localhost", port: 8080, documentRoot: "/path/to/webroot")
// start two servers. have one serve static files and the other handle API requests
let apiRoutes = Route(method: .get, uri: "/foo/bar", handler: {
req, resp in
//do stuff
try HTTPServer.launch(
.server(name: "localhost", port: 8080, documentRoot: "/path/to/webroot"),
.server(name: "localhost", port: 8181, routes: [apiRoutes]))
// start a single server which handles API and static files
try HTTPServer.launch(name: "localhost", port: 8080, routes: [
Route(method: .get, uri: "/foo/bar", handler: {
req, resp in
//do stuff
Route(method: .get, uri: "/foo/bar", handler:
HTTPHandler.staticFiles(documentRoot: "/path/to/webroot"))
let apiRoutes = Route(method: .get, uri: "/foo/bar", handler: {
req, resp in
//do stuff
// start a secure server
try HTTPServer.launch(.secureServer(TLSConfiguration(certPath: "/path/to/cert"), name: "localhost", port: 8080, routes: [apiRoutes]))
For further information, please visit
Perfect-HTTPServer 简体中文
HTTP Server for Perfect
This repository contains the main HTTP 1.1 & HTTP/2 server.
If you are using this server for your Perfect Server-Side Swift project then this will be the main dependency for your project.
If you are starting out with Perfect look at the main Perfect repository for details.
If you are beginning a new project with Perfect look at the PerfectTemplate project for starter instructions.
When building on Linux, OpenSSL 1.0.2+ is required for this package. On Ubuntu 14 or some Debian distributions you will need to update your OpenSSL before this package will build.
As of version 2.2.6, experimental HTTP/2 server support is available but is disabled by default. To enable HTTP/2, add “alpnSupport” to your server’s TLSConfiguration struct:
This will enable HTTP/2 to be used over secure connections if the client supports it. If the client does not support HTTP/2 then the server will use HTTP 1.x. HTTP/2 support is only offered over secure connections. Setting the global
variable to true will have the HTTP/2 server print much debugging information to the console while in use.Please contact us if you experience any problems or incompatibilities while experimenting with HTTP/2 support.
Add the dependency to your Package.swift
.package(url: "", from: "3.0.0")
In your app, launch one or more servers.
For further information, please visit