This package provides support for services deployed to AWS through Perfect Assistant 2.1’s CloudFormation deployment tools. It permits server instances to find and connect to the RDS and ElastiCache instances that were deployed along with the application.
To utilize this package, import PerfectCloudFormation and then call either CloudFormation.listRDSInstances() or CloudFormation.listElastiCacheInstances().
RDS and ElastiCache instances are represented by the following structs.
public enum CloudFormation {
public struct RDSInstance {
public enum DBType {
case postgres, mysql
public let resourceType: DBType
public let resourceId: String
public let resourceName: String
public let userName: String
public let password: String
public let hostName: String
public let hostPort: Int
public struct ElastiCacheInstance {
public enum ElastiCacheType {
case redis
public let resourceType: ElastiCacheType
public let resourceId: String
public let resourceName: String
public let hostName: String
public let hostPort: Int
This package provides support for services deployed to AWS through Perfect Assistant 2.1’s CloudFormation deployment tools. It permits server instances to find and connect to the RDS and ElastiCache instances that were deployed along with the application.
To utilize this package,
import PerfectCloudFormation
and then call eitherCloudFormation.listRDSInstances()
.RDS and ElastiCache instances are represented by the following structs.