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Programs often communicate over HTTP. The de facto standard notation for payloads in this communication is JSON. The Patron Swift package provides a simple interface to send and receive data to and from HTTP servers. It’s purpose is to reduce redundant client code whilst keeping things simple.



The Patron object represents a remote HTTP JSON service endpoint.


  • JSONService

The JSONService protocol defines a JSON service.


  • PatronError


The Patron class is a convenient way to represent a remote HTTP JSON service endpoint. A Patron object provides access to a single service on a specific host via GET and POST HTTP methods. It assumes that payloads in both directions are JSON.

As Patron serializes JSON payloads on the calling thread, it’s not a good idea to use it from the main thread, instead I recommend, you run it from within an Operation, or a closure dispatched to another queue. Usually there is more work required anyways, serialization obviously, which should be offloaded from the main thread.

Creating a Client

init(URL baseURL: URL, session: URLSession, log: OSLog)

Creates a client for the service at the specified URL.


  • URL The URL of the service.
  • session The session to use for HTTP requests.
  • log The log to use, the shared disabled log by default.


Returns the newly initialized Patron client.

Issuing GET Requests

@discardableResult func get(
  path: String,
  cb: @escaping (AnyObject?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void
) -> URLSessionTask

Issues a GET request to the remote API.


  • path The URL path including first slash, for example "/user".
  • cb The callback receiving the JSON result as its first parameter, followed by response, and error. All callback parameters may be nil.


An executing URLSessionTask.


Searching for Swift Repos on GitHub and printing their names.

import Foundation
import Patron

let github = URL(string: "https://api.github.com")!
let patron = Patron(URL: github, session: URLSession.shared)

patron.get(path: "/search/repositories?q=language:swift") { json, res, er in
  let repos = json!["items"] as! [[String : AnyObject]]
  let names = repos.map { $0["name"]! }

Find this example in the Playground included in this repo.

Query String

If you don‘t feel like stringing together the path yourself, you can pass URL query items.

@discardableResult func get(
  path: String,
  with query: [URLQueryItem],
  cb: @escaping (AnyObject?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void
) throws -> URLSessionTask

Issues a GET request with query string to the remote API.


  • path The URL path including first slash, for example "/user".
  • query An array of URL query items from Foundation.
  • cb The callback receiving the JSON result as its first parameter, followed by response, and error. All callback parameters may be nil.


An executing URLSessionTask.

Additional Parameters

For more control, there‘s an alternative method with allowsCellularAccess and cachePolicy parameters.

@discardableResult func get(
  path: String,
  allowsCellularAccess: Bool,
  cachePolicy: URLRequest.CachePolicy,
  cb: @escaping (AnyObject?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void
) -> URLSessionTask
  • allowsCellularAccess true if the request is allowed to use cellular radios.
  • cachePolicy The cache policy of the request.

Issuing POST Requests

@discardableResult func post(
  path: String,
  json: AnyObject,
  cb: @escaping (AnyObject?, URLResponse?, Error?) -> Void
) throws -> URLSessionTask

Issues a POST request to the remote API.


  • path The URL path.
  • json The payload to send as the body of this request.
  • cb The callback receiving the JSON result as its first parameter, followed by response, and error. All callback parameters may be nil.


An executing URLSessionTask.


PatronError.InvalidJSON, if the potential json payload is not serializable to JSON by NSJSONSerialization.

Getting Information

var host: String { get }

The hostname of the remote service.

var status: (Int, TimeInterval)? { get }

The last URLSession or JSONSerialization error code, and the timestamp at which it occured in Unix time, seconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970. The next successful request resets status to nil.


For testing, we run a little Node.js Server – find it in Tests/Server.

$ make test


📦 Add https://github.com/michaelnisi/patron to your package manifest.



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