

Standard Operators for the working Swift Librarian.


Operadics introduces the following operators at global scope

Operator Name Recommended Type
compose • <A, B, C>(B -> C, A -> B) -> A -> C
§ apply § <A, B>(A -> B, A) -> B
<| apply <| <A, B>(A -> B, A) -> B
|> thrush |> <A, B>(A, A -> B) -> B
<- extract <- <A>(M<A>, A) -> Void
|*| on |*| <A, B, C>((B, B) -> C, A -> B) -> A -> A -> C
<> op <> <A : Monoid>(A, A) -> A
<^ replace <^ <A, B>(A, F<B>) -> F<A>
^> replace ^> <A, B>(F<A>, B) -> F<B>
<^> fmap <^> <A, B>(A -> B, F<A>) -> F<B>
<^^> imap <^^> <I, J, A>(I -> J, F<I, A>) -> F<J, A>
<!> contramap <^> <I, J, A>(J -> I, F<I, A>) -> F<J, A>
<*> apply <*> <A, B>(F<A -> B>, F<A>) -> F<B>
>>- bind >>- <A, B>(F<A>, A -> F<B>) -> F<B>
-<< bind -<< <A, B>(A -> F<B>, F<A>) -> F<B>
>>->> Kleisli >>->> <A, B, C>(A -> F<B>, B -> F<C>) -> A -> F<C>
<<-<< Kleisli <<-<< <A, B, C>(B -> F<C>, A -> F<B>) -> A -> F<C>
->> extend ->> <A, B>(F<A>, F<A> -> B) -> F<B>
<<< r-t-l compose <<< <C, A, B, C>(C<B, C>, C<A, B>) -> C<A, C>
>>> l-t-r compose >>> <C, A, B, C>(C<A, B>, C<B, C>) -> C<A, C>
&&& split &&& <A, B, C, D>(A<B, C>, A<B, D>) -> A<B, (C, D)>
*** fanout *** <A, B, C, D, E>(A<B, C>, A<D, E>) -> A<(B, D), (C, E)>
+++ splat +++ <A, B, C, D, E>(A<B, C>, A<D, E>) -> A<Either<D, B>, Either<C, E>>
||| fanin ||| <A, B, C, D, E>(A<B, D>, A<C, D>) -> A<Either<B, C>, D>
<+> op <+> <A, B, C>(A<B, C>, A<B, C>) -> A<B, C>
<? retrieve <? <A : JSONDecodable>(JSONValue, JSONKeypath) -> A?
<?? opt retrieve <?? <A : JSONDecodable>(JSONValue, JSONKeypath) -> A??
<! force retrieve <! <A : JSONDecodable>(JSONValue, JSONKeypath) -> A
union ∪ <A>(Set<A>, Set<A>) -> Set<A>
intersect ∩ <A>(Set<A>, Set<A>) -> Set<A>
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