
Openwhisk SDK for Swift

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This is a native SDK for interacting with OpenWhisk.

OpenWhisk is a serverless platform that operates on the basis of creating “actions” and invoking them. To learn more about how to use OpenWhisk, please go here.


The goal is to never, ever, ever return raw data to the consumer of OpenWhisk. Ever. Native objects, forever.


You can integrate this SDK with Swift Package Manager. Add the following line to your Package.swift file:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "YOUR_PROJECT_NAME",
    targets: [],
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "https://github.com/dokun1/openwhisk-swift-sdk.git", majorVersion: 0)

After you update your manifest, type swift build in your command line, and the project should resolve its dependencies.

In your project, you need to first set up an instance of Agent. You must set four properties when using an Agent instance:

let newAgent = Agent()
newAgent.apiKey = "enter API key here"
newAgent.secret = "enter secret here"
newAgent.namespace = "enter namespace here"
newAgent.host = "enter host here"

After that, you can make requests with your instance of Agent.



You can retrieve the list of actions in your namespace like so:

agent.getActions() { actions, error in


The result passed into the closure is a collection of type Action. Please check the class documentation for information on this object.


If you have an instance of Action, you can choose to get details on that action, such as source code, with the following function:

agent.getActionDetail(action) { details, error in


The result passed into the closure is an instance of type ActionDetail. Please check the class documentation for information on this object.


If you have an instance of Action, you can invoke it in a number of ways. There are two pre-requisites for invoking an action.

  1. You must provide an input object that conforms to Codable.
  2. You must provide an output object type that conforms to Codable

As an example, let’s assume I have an action that retrieves the price of Bitcoin given a country code. In JSON, my input looks like this:

{"code": "USD"}

I would need to make a corresponding Codable object like so:

struct Currency: Codable {
    var code: String

let input = Currency(code: "USD")

Let’s also assume that my potential output, in JSON, would look like this:

    "currency": {
        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "name": "Bitcoin",
        "value": 5844.8963

I would then need to make a corresponding Codable type like so:

struct CurrencyResponse: Codable {
    var currency: CurrencyResponseCurrency
    struct CurrencyResponseCurrency: Codable {
        var currencyCode: String
        var name: String
        var value: Double

Having both of these defined, I can then invoke such an action like so:

agent.invoke(action: action, input: Currency(code: "USD"), responseType: CurrencyResponse.self, blocking: true, resultOnly: false, completion: { response, error in


There are two parameters in this call, blocking and resultOnly, which could elicit three possible responses. OpenWhisk is usually asynchronous in nature, which means that default behavior will return a token called activationId to be redeemed for a response when the action completes its work. The default value for both of these parameters in this function is false.

  • if blocking is set to false, then a token will be returned to redeem later (this functionality has not yet been built into the SDK)
  • if blocking is set to true, and resultOnly is set to false, then the action will complete and send a full response, including the result of the function in a native context specified per your response object
  • if blocking is set to true, and resultOnly is set to true, then the action will complete and send only the result of the function minus the metadata of the invoked action.


I am fully aware that there is already a Swift SDK for OpenWhisk here. Can this be better? Time will tell.

Thank you to James Thomas for peer pressuring me into trying this on a flight from Boston to Austin.

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