
CircleCI platform SPM swift


Amazing template language for web development used n Swift Squirrel web framework (see: Swift Squirrel)


Add NutView as dependency in your Package.swift

// swift-tools-version:4.0

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "Your app",
    products: [
        // Your products
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/Swift-Squirrel/NutView.git", from: "1.0.2"),
        // Other dependencies
    targets: [
            name: "Your Target",
            dependencies: [..., "NutView"]),

And in source add import line

import NutView


NutView uses special swift-like syntax in .nut.html files which provide great readability for swift developers.

Directory structure

NutView use two important directories.

  • First (default name: “Nuts“) contains another three subdirectories with .nut.html files (Views, Layouts, Subviews). In theese three directories you can add another directories or add and edit .nut.html files.
  • Second (defualt name: “Fruits“) contains generated files from your .nut.html files. (Don’t change content of this directory)

You can change this directories with

NutConfig.nuts = "SomeDir/SomeAnotherDir1/NutsDir"
NutConfig.fruits = "SomeDir/SomeAnotherDir2/FruitDir"


Contains page specific content. For example if we have blog and we want to have page with certain post our view will contain only post information and not layout, header, footer etc…


Contains reusable parts of page. For example header or footer.


This is actualy our web layout. You can refer to layout from Views which pin View content to Layout at the place where is \View()


Commands starts with *\* symbol. You can escape \ symbol with \\

Name Syntax Semantic
Expression \(<expression>) Evaluates expression in parentheses and escapes html characters
Raw expression \RawValue(<expression>) Evalutes expression
Block end \} Indicates block end in if, for statements
Else if
\if <expression> {
\} else if <expression> {
\} else {
If expression is true run commands in given block otherwise run else if else block if exists
If let
Else if let
\if let <variableName> = <expression> {
\} else if let <variableName> = <expression> {
If expression is not nil store result in variableName and run commands in given block otherwise run else if else block if exists
Subview \Subview(<expression>) Add content of given subview at position of this command. Note: name is using dot notation so instead of MySubviewSubdirectory/Mysubview.nut.html write MySubviewSubdirectory.Mysubview.
For \for <variable> in <Array>
\for (<key>, <value>) in <Dictionary>
Iterates over array([Any]) or dictionary([String: Any])
Date \Date(<expression>)
\Date(<expression>, fromat: <expression>)
Evaluates expression and print date in given format. If format is not set, NutView use default date format specified in NutConfig.dateDefaultFormat: String { set get }
Layout \Layout(<expression>) Reffer View to Layout. name is using dot notation so instead of MyLayoutSubdirectory/MyLayout.nut.html write MyLayoutSubdirectory.MyLayout.
Title \Title(<expression>) Set <title><\title> header of html document
Head \Head(<expression>) Add expression result inside html head tag
Body \Body(<expression>) Add expression result at the end of html body tag
View \View() Indicates where to place View
Note: For evaluating expressions we use Evaluation

Implicit variables

Some variables are implicit so you don’t have to send them as data.

  • view - This variable contains View name



import NutView

let indexView = View(name: "Index") // We don't have to write .nut.html 
let indexContent = try indexView.getContent()
print(indexContent) // prints generated content of index

struct PostData {
    let title: String,
    let body: String,
    let isNew: Bool
let postData = PostData(title: "Squirrels", body: "Squirrels are best!", isNew: false)
let postView = try View(name: "Posts.Post", with: postData) // note we write . instead of /
let postContent = try postView.getContent()
print(postContent) // prints generated content of page with given data

let postContentData = try postView.present() // Data representation of view

For more examples check Examples or Squirrel docs -> Views


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


  • Filip Klembara - Creator - github

See also CONTRIBUTORS to list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details

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