Export cells from Swift for TensorFlow (S4TF) notebooks to Swift Packages.
This is a library intended to run as an installed extension inside a swift-jupyter environment, and is based on fastai’s current export mechanisms for both Python and S4TF Jupyter notebooks.
Use swift-jupyter
‘s %install
directives to install this package, alongside any other packages your notebook needs:
%install-location $cwd/swift-install
%install '.package(url: "", from: "0.16.1")' Path
%install '.package(url: "", from: "0.7.1")' Just
%install '.package(url: "", from: "0.6.0")' NotebookExport
For more details, please refer to swift-jupyter installation and usage guides.
Mark exportable cells
Mark the cells you wish to export with a //export
comment in the first line of each exportable cell. For example:
public func notebookFunction()
/* Code */
Mark executable cells
You can extract the code in a particular cell as an executable product in the exported package. For example, the following comment will generate a product called ls
which you can run by issuing the command swift run ls
inside the exported package directory.
//executable: ls
The generated executable automatically imports the package name (which contains all the code from export
cells), as well as the libraries installed in %install
directives. Other non-installed dependencies (TensorFlow, Python) must be imported manually, if required.
Multiple executables can be created this way. Each executable cell should have a different name to create a different target. Merging several executable cells in a single executable target is not supported yet.
Export cells (default name)
To export all marked cells, import the NotebookExport
package in your S4TF notebook and use it in notebook cells like so:
import Path
import NotebookExport
let exporter = NotebookExport(Path.cwd/"swift-notebook.ipynb")
This exports marked cells from the notebook with the name you specified to a new Swift package with the name FastaiNotebook_<notebook_name>
(minus the .ipynb
extension). You can then %install
that package in other notebooks you are working on.
Specify custom package prefix
print(exporter.export(usingPrefix: "MyProject"))
Exports to a package called MyProject_<notebook_name>
Use NotebookExport.version
to verify the version installed.
Export cells from Swift for TensorFlow (S4TF) notebooks to Swift Packages.
This is a library intended to run as an installed extension inside a swift-jupyter environment, and is based on fastai’s current export mechanisms for both Python and S4TF Jupyter notebooks.
directives to install this package, alongside any other packages your notebook needs:For more details, please refer to swift-jupyter installation and usage guides.
Mark exportable cells
Mark the cells you wish to export with a
comment in the first line of each exportable cell. For example:Mark executable cells
You can extract the code in a particular cell as an executable product in the exported package. For example, the following comment will generate a product called
which you can run by issuing the commandswift run ls
inside the exported package directory.The generated executable automatically imports the package name (which contains all the code from
cells), as well as the libraries installed in%install
directives. Other non-installed dependencies (TensorFlow, Python) must be imported manually, if required.Multiple executables can be created this way. Each executable cell should have a different name to create a different target. Merging several executable cells in a single executable target is not supported yet.
Export cells (default name)
To export all marked cells, import the
package in your S4TF notebook and use it in notebook cells like so:This exports marked cells from the notebook with the name you specified to a new Swift package with the name
(minus the.ipynb
extension). You can then%install
that package in other notebooks you are working on.Specify custom package prefix
Exports to a package called
to verify the version installed.