import Foundation
import Networker
// Define the response as a type that conforms to Decodable:
struct Slideshow: Decodable {
let author: String
let title: String
struct SlideshowContainer: Decodable {
let slideshow: Slideshow
// Define your Error:
struct MyErrorType: Error, Decodable {
let message: String
// Define an APIRequest with the expected response type, error type, and URLRequest:
struct SlideshowRequest: APIRequest {
let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!)
typealias ErrorResponseDataType = MyErrorType
typealias SuccessfulResponseDataType = SlideshowContainer
// Call `perform` opn your `APIRequest` instance. `APIRequest` will know
// what to look for in the response and smoothly report success values or errors:
let result = try await SlideshowRequest().perform()
print( // "Yours Truly"
Swift Package Manager
In Packages.swift:
// Add this line in the `dependencies` array:
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
// Add Networker to your target's dependencies:
.dependencies: ["Networker"]
Swift Package Manager
WWDC 2018 session 417 Testing Tips & Tricks