The NavigationKit is a library thats extends SwiftUI implementation for
NavigationStack (iOS 16+ only) and adds more resources to managed the
user interface.
This repository is distributed through SPM, being possible to use it
in two ways:
In Xcode 14, go to File > Packages > Add Package Dependency..., then paste in
The main features available are the ones listed down below. For each one there is
a problem solving solution that was developed thinking to solve the coupled SwiftUI’s
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NKNavigationStack {
Using the NKNavigationStack replaces the NavigationPath with NavigationAction
that allows developers to manipulate in a better way the current stacked views.
⚠️ The downside of this implementation is the removal of Decode option that Apple
offers to us. But you can still implement your own version of NavigationStack
with NavigationPath and use the NavigationKit without the NavigationAction
struct FirstView: View {
@Environment(\.navigationAction) var navigationAction
var body: some View {
Button("Push") {
// SomeModel needs to be mapped using
// navigationDestination(for:destination:)
// using SwiftUI's method.
struct FirstView: View {
@Environment(\.viewResolver) var viewResolver
var body: some View {
// SomeModel needs to be mapped using
// viewResolver(for:_:) {}.
To map the model with the corresponding view, it’s available
the viewResolver(for:_:) that needs to be specified one
view before the usage.
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NKNavigationStack {
.viewResolver(for: SomeModel.self) {
struct FirstView: View {
@Environment(\.sceneAction) var sceneAction
var body: some View {
Button("Push") {
// SomeModel needs to be mapped using
// sceneAction(for:perform:) and
// the sceneActionEnabled() called in the root
// hierarchy.
To map the action it’s necessary to call the sceneAction(for:perform:) method
which will capture the action thrown in every place that it might be listened.
⚠️ SceneAction environment is only available when sceneActionEnabled() method is
called before.
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NKNavigationStack {
.sceneAction(for: SomeModel.self) {
print("Action received: \($0)")
// but, sceneActionEnabled is needed before
// somewhere in the application
Suggestion: call sceneActionEnabled in App’s body property.
The ViewModelConnection makes possible to connect a ViewModel into a
View keeping the SwiftUI State sync and upright.
This implementation was design to be used inside Coordinator struct.
struct SecondCoordinator: View {
let model: SomeModel
var body: some View {
ViewModelConnection(model, SecondViewModel.init) { viewModel in
SecondView(viewModel: viewModel)
To managed the flow as Coordinator was meant to be, you need to specify the
destination property for the ViewModel as you can work like this:
struct SecondCoordinator: View {
let model: SomeModel
var body: some View {
ViewModelConnection(model, SecondViewModel.init) { viewModel in
SecondView(viewModel: viewModel)
.onReceive(viewModel.$destination) { destination in
switch destination {
case .error(let error):
case .third(let third):
case .none:
Inside the errorScene or thirdScene you can call the navigationAction or
sceneAction to perform something.
The NavigationKit is a library thats extends SwiftUI implementation for NavigationStack (iOS 16+ only) and adds more resources to managed the user interface.
This repository is distributed through SPM, being possible to use it in two ways:
In Xcode 14, go to
File > Packages > Add Package Dependency...
, then paste in
The main features available are the ones listed down below. For each one there is a problem solving solution that was developed thinking to solve the coupled SwiftUI’s View
Using the NKNavigationStack replaces the NavigationPath with NavigationAction that allows developers to manipulate in a better way the current stacked views.
⚠️ The downside of this implementation is the removal of Decode option that Apple offers to us. But you can still implement your own version of NavigationStack with NavigationPath and use the NavigationKit without the NavigationAction environment.
To map the model with the corresponding view, it’s available the viewResolver(for:_:) that needs to be specified one view before the usage.
To map the action it’s necessary to call the sceneAction(for:perform:) method which will capture the action thrown in every place that it might be listened.
⚠️ SceneAction environment is only available when sceneActionEnabled() method is called before.
Suggestion: call sceneActionEnabled in App’s body property.
The ViewModelConnection makes possible to connect a ViewModel into a View keeping the SwiftUI State sync and upright.
This implementation was design to be used inside Coordinator struct.
To managed the flow as Coordinator was meant to be, you need to specify the destination property for the ViewModel as you can work like this:
Inside the errorScene or thirdScene you can call the navigationAction or sceneAction to perform something.