NATS is an open-source, cloud-native messaging system. Companies like Apcera, Baidu, Siemens, VMware, HTC, and Ericsson rely on NATS for its highly performant and resilient messaging capabilities.
Its Nats Client/Streaming implemented in swift
Build for Vapor 3 depends on SwiftProto and Swift NIO
If you have ideas to improve any part of the code please contact me
Configuration file:
services.register(NatsRouter.self) { _ -> (RouterController) in
return RouterController()
services.register { container -> (NATS) in
let servers = [natsServer(hostname: "")]
let natsConfig = NatsClientConfig(servers: servers, connectionType: .server(.multiple(1)), disBehavior: .reconnect, clusterName: "", streaming: true)
return try NATS(container: container, config: natsConfig)
Connection type
Server with multiple eventloops (Each eventloop creates separate connection to Nats server)
Client(Creates connection if it does not have one for current eventloop)
NATS Client implemented in swift
NATS is an open-source, cloud-native messaging system. Companies like Apcera, Baidu, Siemens, VMware, HTC, and Ericsson rely on NATS for its highly performant and resilient messaging capabilities.
Its Nats Client/Streaming implemented in swift
Build for Vapor 3 depends on SwiftProto and Swift NIO
If you have ideas to improve any part of the code please contact me
Configuration file:
Connection type
RouterController file: