Final ci (#32) updated fixed stuff another added badges
Final ci (#32)
fixed stuff
added badges
napkin is a reimagining of Uber’s RIBs with RXSwift replaced by Combine and the Leak Detector removed (you should use Xcode Instruments instead).
napkin can be installed with Swift Package Manager.
The preferred way of installing napkin is via the Swift Package Manager.
Adding Package Dependencies to Your App
napkin comes with sweet templates that let you add all of the components of a napkin (Builder, Interactor, Router & optional ViewController) straight from the New > File.. menu. To add them:
New > File..
git clone
bash napkin/Tools/
Open an Xcode project and create a new napkin. Let us know if it doesn’t work by creating an issue
napkin releases a new version on GitHub automatically when a pull request is approved from the develop branch to the main branch.
Send a pull request my dude.
Wikipedia Brown
napkin is available under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Made with 🌲🌲🌲 in Cascadia
©Copyright 2023 CCF 开源发展委员会 Powered by Trustie& IntelliDE 京ICP备13000930号
napkin is a reimagining of Uber’s RIBs with RXSwift replaced by Combine and the Leak Detector removed (you should use Xcode Instruments instead).
napkin can be installed with Swift Package Manager.
Swift Package Manager (Xcode 12 or higher)
The preferred way of installing napkin is via the Swift Package Manager.
) and click Next.Adding Package Dependencies to Your App
Coming Soon!
Get napkin Xcode templates
napkin comes with sweet templates that let you add all of the components of a napkin (Builder, Interactor, Router & optional ViewController) straight from the
New > File..
menu. To add them:Clone the repository
git clone
Install Xcode Templates
bash napkin/Tools/
Check Xcode
Open an Xcode project and create a new napkin. Let us know if it doesn’t work by creating an issue
napkin releases a new version on GitHub automatically when a pull request is approved from the
branch to themain
Send a pull request my dude.
Wikipedia Brown
napkin is available under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Made with 🌲🌲🌲 in Cascadia