A teeny-tiny-weeny lexer written in Swift available as a Swift Package. Should be present in any programmer-who-likes-to-write-quick-script’s toolbelt.
Sample usage:
let text = "123 test"
let lexer = Lexer(input: text)
do {
let oneTwoThree = try lexer.parseInt()
let test = try lexer.nextIdent()
print("\(oneTwoThree) \(test)")
} catch {
print("Oopsie! Error: \(error)")
There’s also a sample URL-parsing example under Sources/URLParseSample, with tests over at Tests/URLParseSampleTests.
A teeny-tiny-weeny lexer written in Swift available as a Swift Package.
Should be present in any programmer-who-likes-to-write-quick-script’s toolbelt.
Sample usage:
There’s also a sample URL-parsing example under Sources/URLParseSample, with tests over at Tests/URLParseSampleTests.