You can use the individial files depending on your needs.
For a holistic unified approach use:
/// For Images
.imagePicker($isShowingImagePicker, aspectRatio: 16 / 9, isGuarded: false) { result in
// For Videos
.videoPicker($isShowingVideoPicker) { result in
What this allows you to do is enable drag and drop to the view,edit the asset then retun the edited asset.
The isPresented directly controls the PhotosPicker in iOS and finder window in macOS.
To Do
Adding Stickers on Image/Video
Custom Audio to Video
Drawing on Image/Video
Drag and Drop Delegates
Some features may require higher versions. But generally it supports the following:
iOS 13+
macOS 10.15+
Code Contributions
Feel free to contribute via fork/pull request to master branch. If you want to request a feature or report a bug please start a new issue.
This package allows you to:
Swift Package Manager
You can use the individial files depending on your needs. For a holistic unified approach use:
What this allows you to do is enable drag and drop to the view,edit the asset then retun the edited asset. The
directly controls the PhotosPicker in iOS and finder window in macOS.To Do
Some features may require higher versions. But generally it supports the following:
Code Contributions
Feel free to contribute via fork/pull request to master branch. If you want to request a feature or report a bug please start a new issue.
Run Wild