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Browse podcasts with MangerKit. The MangerKit Swift package provides a JSON HTTP client that lets you request combined ranges of podcast feeds from the manger-http service, a caching RSS feed proxy.
MangerKit is used in the Podest podcast app.
Requesting all episodes of three podcasts. You can limit the time range with the since property.
import Foundation import Patron import MangerKit let url = URL(string: "https://your.endpoint")! let s = URLSession(configuration: .default) let p = Patron(URL: url, session: s) let svc = Manger(client: p) struct Query: MangerQuery { let url: String let since: Date init(url: String, since: Date = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 0)) { self.url = url self.since = since } } let queries: [MangerQuery] = [ Query(url: ""), Query(url: ""), Query(url: "") ] try! svc.entries(queries) { result, error in print(error ?? result) }
The result is an unprocessed array of dictionaries, [[String: AnyObject]]?, typed Any? because JSON. Please refer to manger-http for details.
[[String: AnyObject]]?
The simple error type also covers invalid queries.
enum MangerError: Error { case unexpectedResult(result: Any?) case cancelledByUser case noQueries case invalidQuery case niy }
Today, I don’t see why queries shouldn’t be struct—why we should be critical of using protocols.
protocol MangerQuery { var url: String { get } var since: Date { get } }
protocol MangerService { var client: JSONService { get } @discardableResult func feeds( _ queries: [MangerQuery], cachePolicy: NSURLRequest.CachePolicy, cb: @escaping (_ error: Error?, _ payload: [[String : AnyObject]]?) -> Void ) throws -> URLSessionTask @discardableResult func feeds( _ queries: [MangerQuery], cb: @escaping (_ error: Error?, _ payload: [[String : AnyObject]]?) -> Void ) throws -> URLSessionTask @discardableResult func entries( _ queries: [MangerQuery], cachePolicy: NSURLRequest.CachePolicy, cb: @escaping (_ error: Error?, _ payload: [[String : AnyObject]]?) -> Void ) throws -> URLSessionTask @discardableResult func entries( _ queries: [MangerQuery], cb: @escaping (_ error: Error?, _ payload: [[String : AnyObject]]?) -> Void ) throws -> URLSessionTask @discardableResult func version( _ cb: @escaping (_ error: Error?, _ service: String?) -> Void ) throws -> URLSessionTask }
var client: JSONService { get }
The client property gives access to the underlying Patron client, providing hostname and status of the remote service.
With manger-http running, do:
$ swift test
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MIT License
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Browse podcasts with MangerKit. The MangerKit Swift package provides a JSON HTTP client that lets you request combined ranges of podcast feeds from the manger-http service, a caching RSS feed proxy.
MangerKit is used in the Podest podcast app.
Requesting all episodes of three podcasts. You can limit the time range with the
property.The result is an unprocessed array of dictionaries,
[[String: AnyObject]]?
, typedAny?
because JSON. Please refer to manger-http for details.Dependencies
The simple error type also covers invalid queries.
Today, I don’t see why queries shouldn’t be
—why we should be critical of using protocols.MangerService
The client property gives access to the underlying Patron client, providing hostname and status of the remote service.
With manger-http running, do:
📦 Add
to your package manifest.License
MIT License