Send and receive emails in Swift and Objective C. Use the MailSlurp Swift client for managing email accounts in iOS, MacOS, TVOS, and more. Built with OpenAPI and PromiseKit.
MailSlurp client is built with PromiseKit (async/await for swift) so you may also want to include AwaitKit in your swift dependencies for awaiting Promise results.
Setup API Key
MailSlurp is free to use but requires an API Key. Sign up and create an API Key using the MailSlurp dashboard.
When you make requests use an API controller’s withRequestBuilder method call the addHeader("x-api-key", "your-api-key") method to add authentication to your requests. For example when using the InboxController methods:
let promise = InboxControllerAPI
.addHeader(name: "x-api-key", value: apiKey)
The full test example is as follows:
let apiKey = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["API_KEY"] ?? ""
// use addHeader to add your api key to requests
.addHeader(name: "x-api-key", value: apiKey)
// uses PromiseKit for response handling
.done { response in
XCTAssertTrue(response.body?.emailAddress?.contains("@mailslurp") ?? false)
XCTAssertTrue(response.statusCode == 201)
}.catch { errorType in
// handle error, cast to mailslurp.ErrorResponse using guard to access .error(statusCode, data, _, _)
MailSlurp Swift client is built to target Swift 5.x and XCode 12.x.
Minimum Version
Example usage
MailSlurp uses PromiseKit. To test using XCTest and MailSlurp use the example below:
import XCTest
import class Foundation.Bundle
import mailslurp
final class exampleTests: XCTestCase {
func testExample() throws {
let expectation = self.expectation(description: "Can create inbox")
let apiKey = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["API_KEY"] ?? ""
.addHeader(name: "x-api-key", value: apiKey)
.done { response in
XCTAssertTrue(response.statusCode == 201)
XCTAssertTrue(response.body?.emailAddress?.contains("@mailslurp") ?? false)
}.catch { errorType in
XCTAssertFalse(true, "Should not throw exception")
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5, handler: nil)
/// Returns path to the built products directory.
var productsDirectory: URL {
#if os(macOS)
for bundle in Bundle.allBundles where bundle.bundlePath.hasSuffix(".xctest") {
return bundle.bundleURL.deletingLastPathComponent()
fatalError("couldn't find the products directory")
return Bundle.main.bundleURL
To run the test execute:
API_KEY=your-api-key swift test
Handling exceptions
Use a guard to cast errors to a mailslurp.ErrorResponse to access the status code and error message of a request.
CommonActionsControllerAPI.sendEmailSimpleWithRequestBuilder(emailOptions: sendOptions)
.addHeader(name: "x-api-key", value: apiKey)
.done { response in
// handle success
.catch(policy: .allErrors) { err in
// handle error
guard let e = err as? mailslurp.ErrorResponse else {
error = err.localizedDescription
// pattern match the error to access status code and data
// MailSlurp returns 4xx errors when invalid parameters or
// unsatisfiable request. See the message and status code
switch e {
case .error(let statusCode, let data, _, _):
let msg = String(decoding: data!, as: UTF8.self)
error = "\(statusCode) Bad request: \(msg)"
Awaiting promises
PromiseKit wraps MailSlurp request results in a Promise. Use .done { response in } and .catch { err in } methods to handle responses and exceptions. For easier access use AwaitKit style await functions.
let inbox = try! await(
.addHeader(name: "x-api-key", value: apiKey)
// then access inbox.emailAddress, etc
MailSlurp Swift Email Client
Send and receive emails in Swift and Objective C. Use the MailSlurp Swift client for managing email accounts in iOS, MacOS, TVOS, and more. Built with OpenAPI and PromiseKit.
Quick links
Install MailSlurp package
The Swift package is hosted on the Swift Package Index and GitHub. Create a new swift project using:
and add
as a package and a target dependency.MailSlurp client is built with PromiseKit (async/await for swift) so you may also want to include AwaitKit in your swift dependencies for awaiting Promise results.
Setup API Key
MailSlurp is free to use but requires an API Key. Sign up and create an API Key using the MailSlurp dashboard.
When you make requests use an API controller’s
method call theaddHeader("x-api-key", "your-api-key")
method to add authentication to your requests. For example when using the InboxController methods:The full test example is as follows:
API structure
The Swift client mimics the controllers and methods of the REST API. For controller and method documentation please see the code hosted on GitHub or read the getting started guide.
Platform compatibility
MailSlurp Swift client is built to target Swift 5.x and XCode 12.x.
Example usage
MailSlurp uses PromiseKit. To test using XCTest and MailSlurp use the example below:
To run the test execute:
Handling exceptions
Use a guard to cast errors to a
to access the status code and error message of a request.Awaiting promises
PromiseKit wraps MailSlurp request results in a Promise. Use
.done { response in }
and.catch { err in }
methods to handle responses and exceptions. For easier access use AwaitKit style await functions.