I only provide Vapor example code since just testing on this framework. If you use other framework, all you need is provide parameters of signature: String and bodyContent: String. Feel free to send PR for providing other framework example. 🖖
Vapor 2:
post("callback") { request in
let bot = LineBot(accessToken: "ACCESS_TOKEN", channelSecret: "CHANNEL_SECRET")
guard let content = request.body.bytes?.makeString() else {
return Response(status: .badRequest)
guard let signature = request.headers["X-Line-Signature"] else {
return Response(status: .badRequest)
guard bot.validateSignature(content: content, signature: signature) else {
return Response(status: .badRequest)
guard let events = bot.parseEventsFrom(requestBody: content) else {
return Response(status: .badRequest)
for event in events {
switch event {
case .message(let message):
let replyToken = message.replyToken
switch message.message {
case .text(let content):
bot.reply(token: replyToken, messages: [.text(text: content.text)])
case _:
case _:
return Response(status: .ok)
Line Bot SDK Swift
SDK of the LINE Messaging API for Swift.
About LINE Messaging API
See the official API documentation for more information.
English: https://devdocs.line.me/en/
Japanese: https://devdocs.line.me/ja/
Add the dependency to Package.swift.
I only provide Vapor example code since just testing on this framework.
If you use other framework, all you need is provide parameters of
signature: String
andbodyContent: String
.Feel free to send PR for providing other framework example. 🖖
Vapor 2: