

Carthage compatible



  • Renamed ByteOutputStream write methods to mirror ByteInputStream read methods.


  • Updated Examples
  • File API stayed the same, but buffer API has changed drastically (again)
  • Addded UnalignedAccess extension for UnsafeRawPointer and UnsafeMutableRawPointer
  • Addded ByteBuffer, MemoryBuffer, OrderedBuffer, WrappedBuffer
  • Addded ByteInputStream, BufferInputStream, OrderedInputStream
  • Addded ByteOutputStream, BufferOutputStream, OrderedOutputStream
  • Removed support for odd types like 24bits & strings to concentrate on the most generic interface


  • Another API change.
  • BinaryFile now a concrete platform specific class.
  • FileFactory was removed.
  • Improved performance by removing generic usages of FixedWidthInteger.
  • Improved performance by making use of copyBytes method.


  • Fix dumb bug
  • Rename buffer copy methods


  • Major API change.
  • Reduced number of protocols.
  • Removed lots of cruft.
  • Use FixedWidthInteger protocol to share more code.
  • Separate POSIX specific code into its own module.


  • Attempt to make sure unaligned memory is not accessed directly. The goal of this library is to read from files or other non-platform specific places that generally don’t impose a specific alignment while still working on platforms that may crash on unaligned memory access.
  • Changed API so that getXAt becomes getX(at:) (For example: getUInt32(at: 13))
  • Added getInt24, getUInt24, putInt24, and putUInt24 (all of these are endian order independent as they rely on reading/writing three consecutive bytes)


  • Swift 4 support


  • Forgot to push some changes


  • Remove usages of @inline(__always), will not compile on Linux
  • Fixed POSIXError so that it will compile on Linux


  • Performance enhancements (10+ seconds on a project I’m working on)


  • Got rid of ByteSize, FilePosition, and FilePath abstractions.
  • Renamed ByteBuffer to UnsafeOrderedBuffer.
  • Renamed Buffer to UnsafeBuffer.
  • No longer attempt to work with Foundation, the API is awkward and it currently has bugs.
  • Fixed permission issue with creating files using POSIXFileSystem.
  • Removed the limit and mark functionality from UnsafeOrderedBuffer.
  • Fix missing shared scheme required for Carthage support.
  • Rebuilt project file using Xcode 8.1 version of SwiftPM.


  • Updated to Swift 3.
  • Support for Swift Package Manager.
  • Foundation Data now conforms to Buffer protocol.


  • Added back in support for reading and writing files based on a generic protocols so that it should be easy to port to any operating system. Currently supports POSIX on Linux and OS X.
  • Added protocol to abstract out a generic memory buffer that tracks its size, and a protocol to abstract out generating buffers. Currently supports POSIX memory allocation on Linux and OS X.
  • Byte buffer now takes its byte order as a generic parameter, this should speed up operations as order is now known at compile time.
  • Simplified byte order to just use 3 swap methods.
  • Removed hex, oct, etc. string conversion utility methods.


Provide accessor for direct access to the buffer’s memory.


Forgot to update README.


Minor improvements and fixes.


Updated to support Swift 2.


Have to check for “arm” also to prevent compile errors on 32-bit devices.


Missed two more tests that will not compile on 32-bit devices.


Add compile configuration protection around tests that won’t compile on 32-bit devices.


Attempting to allow building for both iOS and OSX using one project file.


Lilliput is a native Swift framework for working with binary data of varying endianness. For example you can use it to do custom loading of PNG files which are written in big endian byte order, or tinker with reverse engineering game data files which is what I use it for.


Open and read a file into a little endian buffer

let binaryFile = try BinaryFile.open(forUpdatingAtPath: path, create: false)
let headerBytes = OrderedBuffer<LittleEndian>(count: 1024)
let readCount = try binaryFile.read(into: headerBytes)
if readCount < headerBytes.count {
    // Handle error
let value1 = headerBytes.getUInt32(at: 0)
let value2 = headerBytes.getInt8(at: 4)

Open and read a file into a big endian byte input stream

let binaryFile = try BinaryFile.open(forReadingAtPath: path)
let headerBytes = MemoryBuffer(count: 1024)
let readCount = try binaryFile.read(into: headerBytes)
if readCount < headerBytes.count {
    // Handle error
let stream = OrderedInputStream<BigEndian>(stream: BufferInputStream(buffer: headerBytes))
let value1 = try stream.readUInt32()
let value2 = try stream.readFloat32()

Open and write to a file into native byte output stream

let binaryFile = try BinaryFile.open(forWritingAtPath: path, create: true)
let headerBytes = MemoryBuffer(count: 1024)    
let stream = BufferOutputStream(buffer: headerBytes)
try stream.writeUInt32(4)
try stream.writeFloat32(3.14)
let writeCount = try binaryFile.write(from: headerBytes, count: 8)


Can install via Carthage, as a Swift package, or by dragging and dropping the project file into your project.


Justin Kolb


Lilliput is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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