

Logging on the level! For Vapor projects. Logs are the key to both debugging an application as well as monitoring it in production. However what we are interested in during development is often times different from our production interests. Logging by level is one way to deal with this

The Level Logger Comparison Order

The following is just an opinion on what should be the order of leveled debugging. In the future it would probably be good to figure out a way to make this configurable.

var orderValue: Int {
    switch self {
    case.custom: return 6
    case.fatal: return 5
    case.error: return 4
    case.warning: return 3
    case.info: return 2
    case.verbose: return 1
    case.debug: return 0


Within your projects Swift/configure.swift make the following changes

public func configure(
    _ config: inout Config,
    _ env: inout Environment,
    _ services: inout Services
    ) throws {
    // Register providers first
    try services.register(LevelLoggerProvider()) // Required
    config.prefer(LevelLogger.self, for: Logger.self) // Required

    // The following is optional, set to debug by default
    if env.isRelease {
    } else {
        // optional
        services.register(LogLevel.debug) // Set your non release log level

Shameless Plug

This is another shauncodes.com endeavor.

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