A library for linear algebra with type-safety written in Swift.
Type-safety: Detect undefined operations in compile time.
Performance: Use highly-optimized implementations for the backend.
La rejects undefined operations in compile-time:
import La
import LaAccelerate
enum _2: Size { static let value: Int32 = 2 }
enum _3: Size { static let value: Int32 = 3 }
let a = Matrix<_2, _3, Double>([
0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5,
let b = Matrix<_2, _3, Double>([
0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5,
let c = Matrix<_3, _2, Double>([
0, 1,
2, 3,
4, 5,
_ = a + b // OK.
_ = a + c // This casuese a compile-tim error because the size of `a` is not same as the one of `c`.
You can decide sizes in run-time with lazy-evaluation based on input such as environment variables or files:
import Foundation
import La
enum N: Size {
// Constants defined with `statc let` are lazily-evaluated in Swift.
static let value: Int32 = Int(ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["MATRIX_SIZE_M"])!
// `N.value` is decided here in run-time.
_ = Matrix<_1, N, Double>.zeros() // 1 x N zero matrix
A library for linear algebra with type-safety written in Swift.
La rejects undefined operations in compile-time:
You can decide sizes in run-time with lazy-evaluation based on input such as environment variables or files:
Swift Pacakge Manager
into dependencies:CocoaPods
Add the following lines into your
:Matrix Operations
La doesn’t provide the implementation of matrix operations. This package just provides a matrix type and the interface of operations.
You need to import one of implementations for matrix operations:
The content of this repository are licensed under the MIT License unless otherwise noted. Please read LICENSE for the detail.