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IPAddress_v4 is a Swift library for doing basic handling of IPv4 Addresses expressed as single addresses, ranges, or CIDRs.

This package is very loosely based on the IPv4 handling from the ipaddress module for python3.


IPAddress_v4 is used to express single IP addresses.

To create a new IPAddress_v4 instance:

// From a String
let ip = IPAddress_v4("")
// From an Int
let ip = IPAddress_v4(2130706433)
Available Properties
Name Description Type
address A String representation of the address. String
integer An Int representation of the address. Int
version IP version. Int
reversePointer The name of the reverse DNS PTR record for the address. String
isMulticast If the address is reserved for multicast use. Bool
isPrivate If the address is allocated for private networks. Bool
isReserved If the address is otherwise IETF reserved. Bool
isLoopback If the address is a loopback address. Bool
isLinkLocal If the address is reserved for link-local usage. Bool


IPNetwork_v4 is used to express a network of IP Addresses.

To create a new IPNetwork_v4 instance:

// From a CIDR String
let net = IPNetwork_v4("")
// From an IP Range
let net = IPNetwork_v4("")
// From a single IP Address
let net = IPNetwork_v4("")
Available Properties
Name Description Type
version IP version. Int
maxPrefixLen Maximum IP prefix length. Int
prefix The prefix for the network. Int
withPrefix A String representation of the CIDR. e.g. <Address>/<Prefix>. String
netMask The net mask as an IPAddress_v4 Object. IPAddress_v4
withNetMask A String representation of the address with its net mask. e.g. <Address>/<Net Mask> String
networkAddress The network address for the network. IPAddress_v4
broadcastAddress The broadcast address for the network. IPAddress_v4
isRange If the network was defined as a range. If so, some properties may not be available. Bool
hosts An Array of IPAddress_v4 addresses that belong to the network. This includes the network address and broadcast address. Array
usableHosts This is the same as hosts but it excludes the network and broadcast addresses. Array
count The total number of addresses included in the network. Int
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