

Carthage compatible CocoaPods compatible Swift 4.0


  • UIKit like
  • Easy to use
  • Customizable
  • Automatic scrolling for menu items
  • Progressive transition and appeareance
  • Custom life cycle for view controllers associated with menu items

If you’re using UIKit, you’ll feel at home. It’s a UI component similar to UIPageViewController that helps you to create a menu designed for iOS with a dynamic number of items.

Swipe animation

Table of contents


Available in iOS 10.0 and later.

CocoaPods Installation

  • Run Terminal

  • Navigate to project folder

  • Use command:

pod init
  • Add code to podfile
platform :ios, '10.0'

target 'YourProjectName' do
    pod 'TPGHorizontalMenu'
  • Run command:
pod install

Remember to open project using workspace

Carthage Installation

  • Run Terminal

  • Navigate to project folder

  • Use command in terminal:

    touch cartfile
  • Add code to Cartfile:

github "3pillarlabs/ios-horizontalmenu"
  • Run carthage by using command:
carthage update
  • In order to link your app with the framework, you have to add the TPGHorizontalMenu in ‘Embedded Binaries’ list from ‘General’ section on application’s target from Carthage/Build/iOS in project folder.

Add subproject example


A sample project is available on demo brach.

How to use the framework:

  • Import the framework
import TPGHorizontalMenu
  • Create an instance of menu view controller
let menuViewController = HorizontalMenuViewController()        
menuViewController.dataSource = self // to populate the menu
menuViewController.layoutDelegate = self // to provide custom layout and alignment
  • Add view controller as child to another view controller
menuViewController.willMove(toParentViewController: self)
menuViewController.view.frame = view.bounds

In order to populate the menu you have to conform to data source protocol HorizontalMenuViewControllerDataSource:

extension DataSourceImplemeter: HorizontalMenuViewControllerDataSource {


  • provide the number of items:
func horizontalMenuViewControllerNumberOfItems(horizontalMenuViewController: HorizontalMenuViewController) -> Int {
    return array.count
  • provide a menu item for an index:
func horizontalMenuViewController(horizontalMenuViewController: HorizontalMenuViewController,
                                  menuItemFor index: Int) -> MenuItem {
    let title = array[index]
    return MenuItem(attributedTitle: title) // use the constructor you need
  • provide the view controller associated with menu item:
func horizontalMenuViewController(horizontalMenuViewController: HorizontalMenuViewController,
                                  viewControllerFor index: Int) -> UIViewController {
    let screen = UIViewController()
    // customize the screen
    return screen

and now you have the menu visible in your application.


If you need to customize any kind of layout, you may do so by implementing LayoutControllerDelegate:

extension DelegateType: LayoutControllerDelegate {

Insets may be change through MenuGeometry.

func layoutControllerMenuGeometry(layoutController: LayoutController) -> MenuGeometry {
    return MenuGeometry(itemsInset: UIEdgeInsets(top: 8.0, left: 12.0, bottom: 8.0, right: 12.0))

2. How to customize spacing between items?

Spacing between items may be change through MenuGeometry.

func layoutControllerMenuGeometry(layoutController: LayoutController) -> MenuGeometry {
    return MenuGeometry(itemSpacing: 24.0)

The size of menu item can be change to be a fixed size or compute your size to be dependant on the data you want to display on menu item.

// Fixed size
func layoutController(layoutController: LayoutController, geometryForItemAt index: Int) -> ItemGeometry {
    return ItemGeometry(size: CGSize(width: 60.0, height: 80.0))

// Dynamic size

func layoutController(layoutController: LayoutController, geometryForItemAt index: Int) -> ItemGeometry {
    let view = menuViewController.items[index].view
    let size = // compute size
    return ItemGeometry(size: size)

// If things are getting complicated

/// CustomItemGeometry.swift

class CustomItemGeometry: ItemGeometry {
    init(view: UIView) {
        let size = CustomItemGeometry.computeItemSize(for: view)
        super.init(size: size)
    private static func computeItemSize(for view: UIView) -> CGSize {
        // additional work
        return CGSize()

/// DelegateType.swift

func layoutController(layoutController: LayoutController, geometryForItemAt index: Int) -> ItemGeometry {
    let view = menuViewController.items[index].view
    return CustomItemGeometry(view: view)

4. How to customize height of scroll indicator view?

The height of scroll indicator view may be customized through ScrollIndicatorGeometry. An instance of ScrollIndicatorGeometry can provided as parameter to MenuGeometry.

func layoutControllerMenuGeometry(layoutController: LayoutController) -> MenuGeometry {
    let scrollIndicatorGeometry = ScrollIndicatorGeometry(height: 10.0)
    return MenuGeometry(scrollIndicatorGeometry: scrollIndicatorGeometry)

5. How to set scroll indicator vertical alignment?

As we customize the height of scroll indicator view we can also change the alignment: bottom or top. The default is bottom.

func layoutControllerMenuGeometry(layoutController: LayoutController) -> MenuGeometry {
    let scrollIndicatorGeometry = ScrollIndicatorGeometry(height: 12.0, verticalAlignment: .top)
    return MenuGeometry(scrollIndicatorGeometry: scrollIndicatorGeometry)

The vertical alignment of a menu item can be changed through geometry object. Possible values are:

  • top
  • center (default)
  • bottom

Be aware that you might need to the set a preferred content height of menu.

func layoutController(layoutController: LayoutController, geometryForItemAt index: Int) -> ItemGeometry {
    return ItemGeometry(size: CGSize(width: 60.0, height: 80.0), verticalAlignment: .bottom)

Height of menu content may be set through MenuGeometry.

func layoutControllerMenuGeometry(layoutController: LayoutController) -> MenuGeometry {
    return MenuGeometry(prefferedHeight: 60.0)

Highlighting and selection may be achieved by implementing Highlightable and Selectable by the view which is used on menu items.

UIKit classes already implement these protocols, such as UIControl. Others may only implement Highlightable, such as UILabel.

class MenuItemView: UIView, Highlightable, Selectable {
   var isHighlighted: Bool {
      didSet {
         // update view for highlighted state
   var isSelected: Bool {
      didSet {
         // update view for selected state

MenuItem provides a default initializer which accepts an instance of UIView.

func horizontalMenuViewController(horizontalMenuViewController: HorizontalMenuViewController,
                                  menuItemFor index: Int) -> MenuItem {
    let data = array[index]
    let view = MenuItemView()
    view.property = data.otherProperty
    return MenuItem(view: view)

10. How to use custom animation for selection?

In order to customize the animations you need to implement HorizontalMenuViewControllerDelegate.

func horizontalMenuViewController(horizontalMenuViewController: HorizontalMenuViewController,
                                  animationForSelectionOf index: Int) -> Animation {
    return Animation(duration: 0.5) // customize animation as you need

As we customize selection animation, we can do it for appearance as well when the current item is not visible and user swipes outside the boundaries (before first item and after the last item) of menu.

func horizontalMenuViewControllerAnimationForEdgeAppearance(horizontalMenuViewController: HorizontalMenuViewController) -> Animation {
    return Animation(duration: 0.5) // customize animation as you need

12. How to update a screen progressively as user drags?

The view controller which is provided through HorizontalMenuViewControllerDataSource may implement HorizontalMenuChild. The functions from this protocol will be called when user swipes left or right in order to change the current item.

class MenuScreenViewController: UIViewController, HorizontalMenuChild {
   func appearanceProgress(progress: CGFloat) {
      // implement logic when view controller appears progressively
   func disappearanceProgress(progress: CGFloat) {
      // implement logic when view controller disappears progressively

13. How to update other views synchronously with users’ drag action?

HorizontalMenuViewControllerDelegate provides a callback with all information needed for progressive update. To simplify the computation with progress, the framework provide a data type (Segment) which can compute an intermediate value between 2 values and a given progress.

func horizontalMenuViewController(horizontalMenuViewController: HorizontalMenuViewController,
                                  scrollTransition: ScrollTransition) {
   guard views.isValid(index: scrollTransition.toIndex),
         views.isValid(index: scrollTransition.fromIndex) else { return }
      let firstPoint = views[scrollTransition.fromIndex].frame.origin
      let secondPoint = views[scrollTransition.toIndex].frame.origin
      let segment = Segment<CGPoint>(first: firstPoint, second: secondPoint)
      viewProperty.frame.origin = segment.pointProgress(with: scrollTransition.progress)

14. Why do not I receive calls of progressive transition when user selects an item?

When user selects an menu item, only 2 callbacks are provided:

  • before animation starts;
  • after animation finished;

If really you need callbacks, you may use CADisplayLink to provide callbacks for you.

An important thing to know is that default animations have a duration of 0.3 seconds.

Also if you feel the need for a small demo please check the demo project branch, add the framework and you are good to go.


Did you find a bug in the framework? Create an issue.

Want to help us implement new features or fix bugs? Create a pull request.


Horizontal Menu is released under MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

About this project

3Pillar Global

Horizontal Menu is developed and maintained by 3Pillar Global.
