Merge pull request #14 from swift-calendar/support-calendar-extensions Support calendar extensions
Merge pull request #14 from swift-calendar/support-calendar-extensions
Support calendar extensions
A lightweight iCalendar (RFC 5545, .ics) encoder for Swift.
import Foundation import ICalendarKit var cal = ICalendar() description: "My awesome event", dtstart: .dateTime(Date()), duration: .hours(1), rrule: .init( frequency: .weekly, byDay: [.every(.tuesday), .every(.saturday)] ) )) print(cal.vEncoded) // The output looks similar to this: // // BEGIN:VCALENDAR // VERSION:2.0 // PRODID:-//swift-icalendar//swift-icalendar//EN // CALSCALE:GREGORIAN // BEGIN:VEVENT // DTSTAMP:20201017T000135Z // UID:327278D1-F140-49C9-AB75-C1D9579C1851 // CREATED:20201017T000135Z // DESCRIPTION:My awesome event // DTSTART:20201017T000135Z // LAST-MODIFIED:20201017T000135Z // DURATION:P0DT1H0M0S // RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU,SA // END:VEVENT // END:VCALENDAR
Hint: Run swift run --repl to run an interactive Swift shell with access to the library
swift run --repl
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iCalendarKit for Swift
A lightweight iCalendar (RFC 5545,
) encoder for Swift.Example