iForm is a Swift framework made to make the process of building form easier with it sets of built in methods
Install iForm
You can easily add the package by going in the Packages Dependency section of your XCode project
Build a Sign In Form
Building a Sign In form with iForm is relatively easy:
import UIKit
import iForm
class SignInViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate {
private var form: iForm = iForm()
override func viewDidLoad() {
var formular: SignInForm = SignInForm()
//Initialize sign-in form
formular = form.initSignInForm(
//Submit button callback
actionToPerform : UIAction() { _ in
//Retrieving the values in our text fields
let textFieldsValues = self.form.getTextFieldsValues(from: self.form.getAllTextFields(from: formular))
//Storing the data
let email = textFieldsValues["Email"]
let password = textFieldsValues["Password"]
let detailsVC = DetailsViewController()
detailsVC.email = email
detailsVC.password = password
//Passing the data to the next View Controller
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(detailsVC, animated: true)
//Add the form to the defined view
form.display(formular, on: self.view, withConstraints: Constraints(horizontal: 0, vertical: -250, width: 0, height: 50))
We first Initialized our iForm and SignInForm
Create the form with the initSignInForm() method of your object
Pass as an argument the action you want your submit button to do as the actionToPerform argument
In that callback we get the values of our generated text fields through the iForm method getTextFieldsValues()
Then we store them in variables
And finally we simply pass them to our DetailViewController
Use the display() method to add the form the defined view with the defined constraints
Notes: The getTextFieldsValues() receives a UITextField table as an arguments, table that can be returned with the getAllTextFields() method
iForm framework
iForm is a Swift framework made to make the process of building form easier with it sets of built in methods
Install iForm
You can easily add the package by going in the Packages Dependency section of your XCode project
Build a Sign In Form
Building a Sign In form with iForm is relatively easy:
method of your objectactionToPerform
method to add the form the defined view with the defined constraintsNotes: The
receives a UITextField table as an arguments, table that can be returned with thegetAllTextFields()