
HMUtilities Swift SDK

The HMUtilities hosts a set of extensions, and other functionality, commonly used in other High Mobility’s Swift libraries.

Table of contents


Binary Serialization: Converting types conforming to HMBytesConvertable to bytes and back. Out of the box support for basic Swift types like String, Int, Double, URL and more.

Hex: Converting between hex strings and bytes.


It’s recommended to use the library through Swift Package Manager (SPM), which is now also built-in to Xcode and accessible in File > Swift Packages > ... or going to project settings and selecting Swift Packages in the top-center.
When targeting a Swift package, the Package.swift file must include .package(url: "https://github.com/highmobility/hmutilities-swift", .upToNextMinor(from: "[__version__]")), under dependencies.

If SPM is not possible, the source can be downloaded directly from Github and built into an .xcframework using an accompaning script: XCFrameworkBuilder.sh. The created package includes both the simulator and device binaries, which must then be dropped (linked) to the target Xcode project.

Furthermore, when .xcframework is also not suitable, the library can be made into a fat binary (.framework) by running UniversalBuildScript.sh. This combines both simulator and device slices into one binary, but requires the simulator slice to be removed before being able to upload to App Store Connect – for this there is a AppStoreCompatible.sh script included inside the created .framework folder.


HMUtilities Swift SDK requires Xcode 11.0 or later and is compatible with apps targeting iOS 10.0 or above.


We would love to accept your patches and contributions to this project. Before getting to work, please first discuss the changes that you wish to make with us via GitHub Issues, Spectrum or Slack.

See more in CONTRIBUTING.md


This repository is using MIT license. See more in LICENSE

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