

Elara is a work-in-progress game which teaches you programming in a fun an interactive way :)

Project structure

  • elara-lib/ is the root directory for the Rust crate. The Rust code is responsible for most game logic, but doesn’t do any rendering.

  • web/ is the root directory for the web UI. This is the part of the code responsible for rendering and user interaction.


Common commands

Install dependencies

npm install
npm run build:wasm

Run dev server

Running the dev server requires two separate commands (e.g. run in separate terminal windows). In the first terminal window:

npm run watch:wasm

In the second:

npm run dev

This will start a development server on Auto-reloads when any source code changes.

How to build in release mode

Builds the project and places it into the /web/dist folder.

npm run build

Builds the project for distribution on Itch.io:

npm run build:itchio

Builds and packages the project as a native application via Electron:

npm run build:electron

Run unit tests

npm test