iOS SDK for Eulerian Analytics
EAnalytics is available through CocoaPods. To install
it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "EAnalytics"
// Import EAnalytics into the class that wants to make use of the library
#import "EAnalytics/EAnalytics.h"
// Initialize The Eulerian Analytics once, in app launch delegate for instance
[EAnalytics initWithHost:@"" andWithDebugLogs:YES];
// Create Eulerian Properties
EAProperties *prop = [[EAProperties alloc] initWithPath:@"my_prop_path"];
[prop setEulerianWithEmail:@""];
[prop setEulerianWithLatitude:48.872731 longitude:2.356003];
[prop setEulerianWithValue:@"custom_value" forKey:@"custom_key"];
// And track
[EAnalytics track:myProperties];
Initialize the SDK with an valid host provided by Eulerian Technologies.
[EAnalytics initWithHost:@"" andWithDebugLogs:YES];
Create properties
Create any properties using:
EAProperties *prop = [[EAProperties alloc] initWithPath:@"my_prop_path"];
[prop setEulerianWithEmail:@""];
[prop setEulerianWithLatitude:48.872731 longitude:2.356003];
Add custom key to your properties:
[prop setEulerianWithValue:@"custom_value" forKey:@"custom_key"];
You can use the set of convenient objects to track specific EA properties :
- EACart
- EAOrder
- EAProducts
- EACart
- EAEstimate
- EASearch
Track properties
Track properties using:
[EAnalytics track:myProperties];
Good to know
The SDK lets you access two of its property : the EUIDL and the current SDK version :
[EAnalytics euidl];
[EAnalytics version];
If the SDK failed to send properties (no network), the SDK will try again in the next calls of ‘track’ or/and when the app gets launched.
Eulerian Technologies
EAnalytics is available under the MIT license.
Tagging plan
Link to iOS tagging plan
iOS SDK for Eulerian Analytics
EAnalytics is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
Initialize the SDK with an valid host provided by Eulerian Technologies.
Create properties
Create any properties using:
Add custom key to your properties:
You can use the set of convenient objects to track specific EA properties :
Track properties
Track properties using:
Good to know
The SDK lets you access two of its property : the EUIDL and the current SDK version :
If the SDK failed to send properties (no network), the SDK will try again in the next calls of ‘track’ or/and when the app gets launched.
Eulerian Technologies
EAnalytics is available under the MIT license.
Tagging plan
Link to iOS tagging plan