
iOS SDK for Eulerian Analytics


EAnalytics is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "EAnalytics"



// Import EAnalytics into the class that wants to make use of the library
#import "EAnalytics/EAnalytics.h"

// Initialize The Eulerian Analytics once, in app launch delegate for instance
[EAnalytics initWithHost:@"your.host.net" andWithDebugLogs:YES];

// Create Eulerian Properties
EAProperties *prop = [[EAProperties alloc] initWithPath:@"my_prop_path"];
[prop setEulerianWithEmail:@"readme@mail.com"];
[prop setEulerianWithLatitude:48.872731 longitude:2.356003];
[prop setEulerianWithValue:@"custom_value" forKey:@"custom_key"];

// And track
[EAnalytics track:myProperties];


Initialize the SDK with an valid host provided by Eulerian Technologies.

[EAnalytics initWithHost:@"your.host.net" andWithDebugLogs:YES];

Create properties

Create any properties using:

EAProperties *prop = [[EAProperties alloc] initWithPath:@"my_prop_path"];
[prop setEulerianWithEmail:@"readme@mail.com"];
[prop setEulerianWithLatitude:48.872731 longitude:2.356003];

Add custom key to your properties:

[prop setEulerianWithValue:@"custom_value" forKey:@"custom_key"];

You can use the set of convenient objects to track specific EA properties :

  • EACart
  • EAOrder
  • EAProducts
  • EACart
  • EAEstimate
  • EASearch

Track properties

Track properties using:

[EAnalytics track:myProperties];

Good to know

The SDK lets you access two of its property : the EUIDL and the current SDK version :

[EAnalytics euidl];
[EAnalytics version];

If the SDK failed to send properties (no network), the SDK will try again in the next calls of ‘track’ or/and when the app gets launched.


Eulerian Technologies


EAnalytics is available under the MIT license.

Tagging plan

Link to iOS tagging plan
