if you are using the simulator don’t forget to simulate locations
Using new concurrency swift model around CoreLocation manager
Customizable in terms of CLLocationManager properties
Streaming current location asynchronously
Different strategies - Keep and publish all stack of locations since streaming has started or the last one
Support for iOS from 14.1 and watchOS from 7.0
Errors handling (as AsyncLocationErrors so CoreLocation errors CLError)
How to use
1. Add to info the option “Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description”
2. Add or inject LMViewModel into a View
@EnvironmentObject var model: LMViewModel
3. Call ViewModel method start() within async environment
If task will be canceled the streaming stops automatically. I would recommend to use .task modifier it manages cancelation on it’s own. If you need to use Task and keep it in @State don’t forget to cancel() when the time has come or it might course memory leaks in some cases
4. Bake async stream of data from “locations” into a visual presentation
var coordinatesTpl: some View{
List(viewModel.locations, id: \.hash) { location in
Text("\(location.coordinate.longitude), \(location.coordinate.latitude)")
5. Showcase error
///Access was denied by user
case accessIsNotAuthorized
/// Attempt to launch streaming while it's been already started
/// Subscribe different Views to LMViewModel.locations publisher to feed them
case streamingProcessHasAlreadyStarted
/// Stream was cancelled
case streamCanceled
/// Stream was terminated
case streamUnknownTermination
/// A Core Location error
case coreLocationManagerError(CLError)
There’s been a glitch - throwing CLError.locationUnknownError Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=0 “(null)” on some devices and simulator while changing locations time by time. This type of error .locationUnknown is excluded when it happens in the delegate method didFailWithError
LMViewModel API
public protocol ILocationManagerViewModel: ObservableObject{
/// List of locations
var locations : [CLLocation] { get }
/// Strategy for publishing locations Default value is .keepLast
/// .keepAll is an option
var strategy : LMViewModel.Strategy { get }
/// Start streaming locations
func start() async throws
/// Stop streaming locations
func stop()
LMViewModel Parameters
Strategy for publishing locations Default value is .keepLast The other option is .keepAll
The accuracy of a geographical coordinate.
Constants indicating the type of activity associated with location updates.
A distance in meters from an existing location.
A Boolean value that indicates whether the app receives location updates when running in the background
Default location
Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme
Click Run .app
Option tab
Already checked Core Location > select your location
Press OK
Available for watchOS
You need to have Xcode 13 installed in order to have access to Documentation Compiler (DocC)
Async/await location streamer for iOS, watchOS using new concurrency model in Swift
Async pattern using new concurrency model in swift that can be applied to Core Bluetooth, Core Motion and others sources streaming data asynchronously
SwiftUI example of using package
if you are using the simulator don’t forget to simulate locations
How to use
1. Add to info the option “Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description”
2. Add or inject LMViewModel into a View
3. Call ViewModel method start() within async environment
If task will be canceled the streaming stops automatically. I would recommend to use .task modifier it manages cancelation on it’s own. If you need to use Task and keep it in @State don’t forget to cancel() when the time has come or it might course memory leaks in some cases
4. Bake async stream of data from “locations” into a visual presentation
5. Showcase error
There’s been a glitch - throwing CLError.locationUnknown Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=0 “(null)” on some devices and simulator while changing locations time by time. This type of error .locationUnknown is excluded when it happens in the delegate method didFailWithError
LMViewModel API
LMViewModel Parameters
Default location
Available for watchOS