Then run the swift build command to build your project.
To use CurrencyConverter in your Xcode project using Carthage,
specify it in Cartfile:
github "Flight-School/CurrencyConverter" ~> 1.0.0
Then run the carthage update command to build the framework,
and drag the built CurrencyConverter.framework into your Xcode project.
A currency pair
describes the relative value of one currency in terms of another.
You can create a CurrencyPair object with a specified exchange rate
to convert from a monetary amount in one currency to the other:
let EURtoUSD = CurrencyPair<EUR, USD>(rate: 1.17) // as of June 1st, 2018
let euros: Money<EUR> = 123.45
let dollars = EURtoUSD.convert(euros).rounded // "$144.44"
Note: This library doesn’t include functionality
for querying the current exchange rates of currencies.
You can get this information from various third party web applications.
To only allow conversion in one direction,
create a type that conforms to the UnidirectionalCurrencyConverter protocol.
If you want to offer different rates depending on the direction of conversion
(that is, a rate going from variable to fixed
that isn’t the inverse of going the other way)
create a type that conforms to the BidirectionalCurrencyConverter protocol.
Utilities for doing currency conversion with the Money library.
This functionality is discussed in Chapter 3 of Flight School Guide to Swift Numbers.
Swift Package Manager
Add the CurrencyConverter package to your target dependencies in
:Then run the
swift build
command to build your project.Carthage
To use
in your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it inCartfile
:Then run the
carthage update
command to build the framework, and drag the built CurrencyConverter.framework into your Xcode project.Usage
A currency pair describes the relative value of one currency in terms of another. You can create a
object with a specified exchange rate to convert from a monetary amount in one currency to the other:To only allow conversion in one direction, create a type that conforms to the
protocol. If you want to offer different rates depending on the direction of conversion (that is, a rate going from variable to fixed that isn’t the inverse of going the other way) create a type that conforms to theBidirectionalCurrencyConverter
Mattt (@mattt)