After checking ProjectID, add Project alias with cujira alias project add.
$ cujira alias project add cujira-bug --project-id 10002
In addition, you can check registered project alias with cujira alias project list.
$ cujira alias project list
name: cujira-bug, projectID: 10002, boardID: 2
3. Get project issues with today, yyyy/mm/dd or SPRINT_NAME.
If you want to get today’s issues of project, below command can show them.
$ cujira issue search cujira-bug today
JQL: project = 10002 AND created >= startOfDay()
Summary: All command responses are `Great Scott!!`.
IssueType: Critical Bug
Status: Open
User: doc-emmett-brown
Summary: Command usages is a little strange.
IssueType: Bug
Status: Open
User: --
If you want to get issues with SPRINT_NAME, check sprints with cujira list sprint.
After checking sprint name, you can get issues with cujira issue search cujira-bug "Sprint 2".
Additional Usage for getting Issues.
cujira issue search has some options.
--issus-type [ISSUE_TYPE]
... Filter issues with a issueType.
--label [ISSUE_LABEL]
... Filter issues with a issue label.
--status [STATUS_NAME]
... Filter issues with a issue status.
--assigned [USER_NAME]
... Filter issues with a user who has assigned.
--epic-link [EPIC_LINK]
... Filter issues with a epic link.
... Show every options issue counts.
... Print all issues to ignore options. (This option is only available to use `--aggreegate`)
... Print results as JSON format.
You can get aggregation of issues.
$ cujira issue search cujira-bug today --issue-type "Critical Bug" --aggregate
JQL: project = 10002 AND created >= startOfDay()
Summary: All command responses are `Great Scott!!`.
IssueType: Critical Bug
Status: Open
User: doc-emmett-brown
Number of Issues: 2
Number of Critical Bug: 1
Combination Usage with other scripts.
cujira issue search command has --output-json option.
It makes easily to handle cujira response in other scripts.
This is node.js sample code.
Command Utility JIRA
Clone this repository and run
1. Register
.https://[ HERE ]
.Please execute those 3 commands.
In addition, you can check registered information with
cujira register info
.2. Check ProjectID (or BoardID) and Add
Project Alias
.You can check ProjectID (or BoardID) with
cujira list board
that shown all boards of your Jira domain.After checking ProjectID, add Project alias with
cujira alias project add
.In addition, you can check registered project alias with
cujira alias project list
.3. Get project issues with
.If you want to get today’s issues of project, below command can show them.
If you want to get issues with
, check sprints withcujira list sprint
.After checking sprint name, you can get issues with
cujira issue search cujira-bug "Sprint 2"
.Additional Usage for getting Issues.
cujira issue search
has some options.You can get aggregation of issues.
Combination Usage with other scripts.
cujira issue search
command has--output-json
option. It makes easily to handle cujira response in other scripts. This isnode.js
sample code.Environment Variables
You can run
with environment variables.Development
Special Thanks
Thanks to @skskeeee, my handwriting logo has become a great logo!
cujira is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.