Merge pull request #16 from munhitsu/ordered NSOrderedSet relation
Merge pull request #16 from munhitsu/ordered
NSOrderedSet relation
Declarative way to describe a Core Data model in code. Swifty Core Data model 🙂
Use CoreDataModelDescription to describe your model. Sample code describes this model:
Assuming you already defined Author, Publication, and Article subclasses of NSManagedObject.
let modelDescription = CoreDataModelDescription( entities: [ .entity( name: "Author", managedObjectClass: Author.self, attributes: [ .attribute(name: "name", type: .stringAttributeType) ], relationships: [ .relationship(name: "publications", destination: "Publication", toMany: true, deleteRule: .cascadeDeleteRule, inverse: "author", ordered: true) ]), .entity( name: "Publication", managedObjectClass: Publication.self, attributes: [ .attribute(name: "publicationDate", type: .dateAttributeType), .attribute(name: "numberOfViews", type: .integer64AttributeType, isOptional: true) ], relationships: [ .relationship(name: "author", destination: "Author", toMany: false, inverse: "publications") ]), .entity( name: "Article", managedObjectClass: Article.self, parentEntity: "Publication", attributes: [ .attribute(name: "text", type: .stringAttributeType) ]) ] ) let model = modelDescription.makeModel()
Motivation and creating this package described in my article Core Data and Swift Package Manager.
This package is still on early stage of development. Please submit issues for missing functionality. Pull requests are more than welcome.
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Declarative way to describe a Core Data model in code. Swifty Core Data model 🙂
to describe your model. Sample code describes this model:Assuming you already defined
, andArticle
subclasses ofNSManagedObject
Motivation and creating this package described in my article Core Data and Swift Package Manager.
This package is still on early stage of development. Please submit issues for missing functionality. Pull requests are more than welcome.