

Contentstack Swift SDK

ContentstackUtils CI

Contentstack is a headless CMS with an API-first approach. It is a CMS that developers can use to build powerful cross-platform applications in their favorite languages. Build your application frontend, and Contentstack will take care of the rest. Read More.

Contentstack provides iOS SDK to build application on top of iOS. Given below is the detailed guide and helpful resources to get started with our iOS SDK.


Latest Xcode and Mac OS X

Setup and Installation

To use this SDK on iOS platform, you will have to install the SDK according to the steps given below.


Add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'ContentstackUtils', '~> 1.2.1'

Swift Package Manager

  1. Installing libxml2 to your computer:

    // macOS: For xcode 11.3 and earlier, the following settings are required.
    $ brew install libxml2
    $ brew link --force libxml2
    // Linux(Ubuntu):
    $ sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev
  2. Add the following to your Package.swift:

    // swift-tools-version:5.0
    import PackageDescription
    let package = Package(
        name: "YourProject",
        dependencies: [
            .package(url: "https://github.com/tid-kijyun/ContentstackUtils.git", from: "1.2.1"),
        targets: [
                name: "YourTarget",
                dependencies: ["ContentstackUtils"]),
    $ swift build

Note: When a build error occurs, please try run the following command:

// Linux(Ubuntu)
$ sudo apt-get install pkg-config

Manual Installation

  1. Add Contentstack Utils file to your project: ContentstackUtils
  2. Add Kanna files to your project:
  3. In the target settings add $(SDKROOT)/usr/include/libxml2 to the Search Paths > Header Search Paths field
  4. In the target settings add $(SRCROOT)/Modules to the Swift Compiler - Search Paths > Import Paths field

Note: If you are using Contentstack Swift SDK in your project, the ContentstackUtils file is already imported.


Let’s learn how you can use Utils SDK to render embedded items.

Create Render Option

To render embedded items on the front-end, create a class implementing Option protocol, and define the UI elements you want to show in the front-end of your website, as shown in the example below:

import Foundation  
import ContentstackUtils  
class  CustomRenderOption: Option {  

override func renderMark(markType: MarkType, text: String) -> String {
    switch markType {
    case .bold:
        return "<b>\(text)</b>"
        return super.renderMark(markType: markType, text: text)

override func renderNode(nodeType: String, node: Node, next: (([Node]) -> String)) -> String {
    switch nodeType {
    case "p":
        return "<p class='class-id'>\(next(node.children))</p>"
    case "h1":
        return "<h1 class='class-id'>\(next(node.children))</h1>"
        return super.renderNode(nodeType: nodeType, node: node, next: next)
func renderOptions(embeddedObject: EmbeddedObject, metadata: Metadata) -> String? {
      switch metadata.styleType {
      case .block:
          if metadata.contentTypeUid == "product" {
              if let product = embeddedObject as? Product {
                  return """
                      <h2 >\(product.title)</h2>
                      <img src=\(product.product_image.url) alt=\(product.product_image.title)/>
          }else {
              if let entry = embeddedObject as? Entry {
                  return """
          return super.renderOptions(embeddedObject: embeddedObject, metadata: metadata)

Basic Queries

Contentstack Utils SDK lets you interact with the Content Delivery APIs and retrieve embedded items from the RTE field of an entry.

Fetch Embedded Item(s) from a Single Entry

Render HTML RTE Embedded object

To get an embedded items of a single entry, you need to provide the stack API key, environment name, delivery token, content type and entry UID. Then, use the ContentstackUtils.render functions as shown below:

import ContentstackUtils  

let stack:Stack = Contentstack.stack(apiKey: API_KEY, deliveryToken: DELIVERY_TOKEN, environment: ENVIRONMENT)  

stack.contentType(uid: contentTypeUID)
     .entry(uid: entryUID)
     .fetch { (result: Result<EntryModel, Error>, response: ResponseType) in  
        switch result {  
            case .success(let model):
                ContentstackUtils.render(content: model.richTextContent, Option(entry: model))  
            case .failure(let error):  
                //Error Message  

Render Supercharged RTE contents

To get a single entry, you need to provide the stack API key, environment name, delivery token, content type and entry UID. Then, use ContentstackUtils.jsonToHtml function as shown below:

import ContentstackUtils  

let stack:Stack = Contentstack.stack(apiKey: API_KEY, deliveryToken: DELIVERY_TOKEN, environment: ENVIRONMENT)  

stack.contentType(uid: contentTypeUID)
     .entry(uid: entryUID)
     .fetch { (result: Result<EntryModel, Error>, response: ResponseType) in  
        switch result {  
            case .success(let model):
                ContentstackUtils.jsonToHtml(content: model.richTextContent, Option(entry: model))  
            case .failure(let error):  
                //Error Message  

Node: Supercharged RTE also supports Embedded items to get all embedded items while fetching entry use includeEmbeddedItems function.

Fetch Embedded Item(s) from Multiple Entries

Render HTML RTE Embedded object

To get embedded items from multiple entries, you need to provide the stack API key, environment name, delivery token, and content type UID. Then, use the ContentstackUtils.render functions as shown below:

import ContentstackUtils  

let stack = Contentstack.stack(apiKey: apiKey,  
deliveryToken: deliveryToken,  
environment: environment)  
stack.contentType(uid: contentTypeUID)
     .find { (result: Result<ContentstackResponse<EntryModel>, Error>, response: ResponseType) in  
        switch result {  
            case .success(let contentstackResponse):  
                for item in contentstackResponse.items {  
                    ContentstackUtils.render(content: item.richTextContent, CustomRenderOption(entry: item))  
            case .failure(let error):  
                //Error Message  

Render Supercharged RTE contents

To get a Multiple entry, you need to provide the stack API key, environment name, delivery token, and content type UID. Then, use Contentstack.Utils.jsonToHtml function as shown below:

import ContentstackUtils  

let stack:Stack = Contentstack.stack(apiKey: API_KEY, deliveryToken: DELIVERY_TOKEN, environment: ENVIRONMENT)  

stack.contentType(uid: contentTypeUID)
     .find { (result: Result<EntryModel, Error>, response: ResponseType) in  
        switch result {  
            case .success(let model):
                for item in contentstackResponse.items {  
                    ContentstackUtils.jsonToHtml(content: item.richTextContent, CustomRenderOption(entry: item))  
            case .failure(let error):  
                //Error Message  

GraphQL implementation

After fetching the entries from the content type pass the JSON RTE to ContentstackUtils.GQL.jsonToHtml function as shown below:

import ContentstackUtils  
import Apollo
let graphQLClient: ApolloClient

graphQLClient.fetch (query: ProductsQuery(), cachePolicy: CachePolicy.fetchIgnoringCacheData, queue: DispatchQueue.main) {[weak self] (result: Result<GraphQLResult<ProductsQuery.Data>, Error>) in
    guard let slf = self else {
    switch result {
    case .success(let graphQLResult):
        guard let data = graphQLResult.data, let products = data.allAbcd?.items else {

        for product in products {
            if let rte = product.superchargedRte {
               let result = try? ContentstackUtils.GQL.jsonToHtml(rte: rte.resultMap)
    case .failure(let error):
      print("Failure! Error: \(error)")
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